What's Changed
- Jet constituents: passing collections by references by @forthommel in #192
- Moving get_p helper function to myUtils by @kjvbrt in #191
- Addons refactoring by @forthommel in #194
- Fix CI crashes in ONNXRuntime/Weaver integration test by @forthommel in #196
- Moved ValenciaPlugin/ExternalRecombiner to a FastJet add-on by @forthommel in #195
- Revert "weaver: run example singlethreaded" by @forthommel in #197
- Adding documentation generation for add-ons by @forthommel in #198
- Added ability to change number of thread from command line by @imelnyk1337 in #203
- add eos type by @clementhelsens in #202
- [CaloNtupleizer] Function agruments as const ref by @BrieucF in #201
- move to fccsw account by @clementhelsens in #204
- Updates to CaloNtupleizer by @gartrog in #205
- Skeletton for case studies analyses packages by @forthommel in #199
- Cleanup of case study toolset by @forthommel in #207
- Further stripping of FastJet components from RDF analysers by @forthommel in #200
- add geometry files by @clementhelsens in #209
- testing: disable case study test to fix nightlies by @vvolkl in #210
- fix cmake by @clementhelsens in #212
- Fccswtuto2022 by @clementhelsens in #213
- Updates of FCCAnalyses tutorial files for vertexing and tau to 3 mu by @EmanuelPerez in #214
- Fccswtuto2022 by @clementhelsens in #215
- Fccswtuto2022 by @clementhelsens in #216
- fix example by @clementhelsens in #217
- Fix ONNX interface by @clementhelsens in #218
- add filter on layers by @clementhelsens in #219
- add mva tuto by @clementhelsens in #220
- runFinal improvements by @jalimena in #211
- Last things for tutorial 6 by @clementhelsens in #221
- add root import by @clementhelsens in #222
- Jet Flavour data pre-processing and inference by @selvaggi in #224
- fix vertexing tutorial file by @EmanuelPerez in #223
- update examples/basics/read_EDM4HEP.py by @clementhelsens in #226
- move test file to http (no xrootd read permissions on ci machines) by @vvolkl in #232
- cmake: Get fastjetplugins.so via FindFastJet.cmake by @vvolkl in #231
- Install the FastJet addons headers to work around #227 by @tmadlener in #230
- Weaver inference update and bug fixes by @selvaggi in #229
- Fix link to analysis_stage1 file in README.md by @amanmdesai in #234
- Remove awkward-dependent analyzers by @vvolkl in #228
- fix spelling by @amanmdesai in #236
- Fix: get_phi function in jetclustering utils by @amanmdesai in #237
- Add resonance builder for fastjet::PseudoJet in JetClusteringUtils by @amanmdesai in #238
- Implementation of the Lcfiplus vertexing module by @kunal2796 in #206
- Using full path in the name of the interation benchmark by @kjvbrt in #242
- Add: sel_pt option in JetClusteringUtils by @amanmdesai in #239
- Add select eta function in ReconstructedParticle by @amanmdesai in #240
- Adding LCFIPlus vertex benchmark by @kjvbrt in #243
- Added jets_TwoHemispheres to Algorithms. by @EmanuelPerez in #241
- Build sub-command by @kjvbrt in #245
- Make ONNX multithread safe by @jeyserma in #244
- [caloNtupleizer] Add weaver GNN inference for pi0/gamma separation wi… by @BrieucF in #246
- Build subcommand improvements --- keep color by @kjvbrt in #250
- Invariant masses from vector of jets by @atishelmanch in #249
- Smearing object utilities by @selvaggi in #248
- Clang format Ci check by @kjvbrt in #251
- Add option for 2D and 3D histograms in final stage by @jeyserma in #253
- Add subcommand fccanalysis pin by @kjvbrt in #252
- Minor fixes for tagging by @selvaggi in #254
- Enclosing each stage in separate try/except block by @kjvbrt in #256
- File path parse fix by @atishelmanch in #257
- [caloNtupleizer] GNN inference: better naming convention by @BrieucF in #258
- Isolate batch environment by @kjvbrt in #260
- Update .zenodo.json by @clementhelsens in #262
- README: build, pin and clang-format by @kjvbrt in #261
- Updated vertexing: link to the code that is in Delphes by @EmanuelPerez in #247
- Relaxing clang-format status output by @kjvbrt in #263
- Fixes in ACTS dependent analyzers by @kjvbrt in #259
New Contributors
- @imelnyk1337 made their first contribution in #203
- @selvaggi made their first contribution in #224
- @tmadlener made their first contribution in #230
- @amanmdesai made their first contribution in #234
- @kunal2796 made their first contribution in #206
- @jeyserma made their first contribution in #244
- @atishelmanch made their first contribution in #249
Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.7.0