This is for learning purposes only.
The Game needs to be in full screen(windowed)
This program will always be on top of all windows. It is meant to overlay the game. You can drag it anywhere you feel comfortable. I personally prefer to put it above my compass.
There is no exit button, i did this on purpose to allow it to take up less space. Therefore you will need to use keyboard shortcuts to do this.
You will notice that underneath the start/stop button there is an indicator telling you if you are "AIMING" or "TAB". While it says aiming, when you click to shoot your recoil will be reduced. While it says Tab, your recoil is not reduced.
if at anytime you are not aiming or in your tab screen, yet it says you are, Just press escape to clear it out.
The Shortcuts are: ** The NUM keys do no require ALT to be pressed.
Alt-Escape = EXIT; Alt-F1 = Start/Stop; Alt-1/NUM-1 = AKM Alt-2/NUM-2 = M4; Alt-3/NUM-3 = M16; Alt-4/NUM-4 = SCAR; Alt-5/NUM-5 = UZI; Alt-6/NUM-6 = TOMMY Gun; Alt-7/NUM-7 = UMP; Alt-8/NUM-8 = VECTOR; ALT-S = Single fire weapon, DMR/Sniper/Shotgun - no anti recoil. This is just to be able to create a class without the above guns. ALT-Q = 2X; **** In order for you to set a 2x or a 4x to your class** ALT-E = 4X; ** you will have to make sure it is selected prior to clicking your weapon.**** ALT-` = Class; ALT-F = Extended mag is equipped.
To Set Classes:
Select the class button, Youll see under the start/stop button it will say "Primary". Check your primary weapon. Afterwords Check your secondary. Now you can switch settings with 1 and 2;
To Modify the recoil press caps lock and it will bring up the slider. the number is how much recoil reduction there is.