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07 Funding Status

Kim Schulke edited this page Feb 12, 2024 · 1 revision

Research Purpose

OPRE needs a way to track money within a budget. For example, tracking the available amount vs the amount set aside for planned spending.

Research Goals

  • Understand how OPRE currently tracks budgets and spending
  • Identify current challenges / areas of improvement
  • Define the funding statuses required to accurately track their budget and what data requirements are needed to calculate each
    • Available
    • Planned
    • Executing
    • Obligated
  • Explore design options for funding status and budget tracking


  • Contextual inquiry
  • 1:1 interviews

Engagement Groups

  • Budget team (to define)
  • Divisions Directors, Team Leaders and other Team Members (to validate)

Research Plans

October 2022 - Research Plan - Funding Status