badge2019 hardware with the c interpreter working
NOTE no microchip project file yet. use "make"
Code overview
microchip.c - init chip, setup USB framework badge.c - main code processIO - "main" buttons.c - service button presses IRhandler.c - service IR packets, do callbacks menu.c - use button press to navigate menus badge_apps/* - runningApp() is set to one of these by menu.c
UserInit - "user" hardware init
bootup pin directions and pullups- has to run fast and first
LCD init - initial pin, high level LCD functions
S6B33.c - low level LCD contoller code
fb.c - framebuffer init, opengl-ish draw functions
timer1_int.c - audio timer, low level IR, PWM/LED timer
adc_int.c - analog->digital hw setup and interupt init
ir.c - high level IR service callbacks
settings.c - menus for various prefs and settings
assets.c - asset playback functions, audio, image display
assetsListc - generic access of assets via enums ids
Programming overview
makes build/firmware.hex - used to program badge over USB with bootloadit
makes build/firmware.hex.s - assembler dump of hex for folks who can read asm
make ramsyms
dumps ram variable usage. If you run out of ram this is a sorted list of usage
assets are the usual suspect, or arrays
most assets should be "const" which leaves them in flash
instead of copying to ram
make romsyms
dumps rom variable usage. If you run out of rom this is a sorted list of usage
assets are the usual problem, or arrays
any images are suspect since they are typically large
program badge over USB using bootloader
tools/bootloadit will upload build/firmware.hex to the badge
program bootloader using pickit3 and hex from tools/bootloader_2019.hex
program build/firmware.hex using pickit3. You probably don't want this
send standard input to badge c interpreter via USB using /dev/ttyACM0
cat file.c | python tools/
It is no where near a full c implementation:
- Arrays have to use malloc()
- looping uses while
- no case
char else enum if int return sizeof while
print printd printx malloc memset memcmp
flareled led FbMove FbWrite
IRreceive IRsend setNote getButton getDPAD
IRstats setTime getTime FbLine FbClear
flashWrite flashRead setAlloc
exit void main
Control commands
run - run source buffer
new - clear source buffer
list - list source buffer
reset - reset memory allocation to safe numbers
Note: The source buffer is 2K which may need need to be expanded
Paste one of the "main" blocks from
files into a screen/terminal session and then type "run"
you can also just setup to read serial out and cat:
cat /dev/ttyACMO &
cat test.c > /dev/ttyACM0
a file can have multiple 'main' if the interpreter is cleared between each 'main':
// setAlloc below changes memory allocation
// from the default ~8k internal ram
// note: don't write into the 32 scanlines
// that are allocated from the LCD buffer
// at the bottom of the display:
// 0 - 103 display
// 104 - 132 interpreter ram
// parameters:
// 32 scanlines
// 50% text area (program)
// 6% Data (variables)
// 6% stack
// 38% symbol table
// unused % of ram will be used
// for the interpreter "malloc" routine
setAlloc(32, 50, 6, 6, 38);
// default
// setAlloc(0, 38, 6, 6, 50);
int main() {
FbMove(10, 0);
FbWrite("hello world");
flareled(150, 100, 200);
led(0, 0, 100);
return 123;
If you get this error:
duplicate global declaration
it usually means you forgot to do a "new" sometimes it means the stack overwrote the symbol table
Interpreter run results
R XXXXXX - return or exit() code from interpreter main()
T XXXXXX - program size
D XXXXXX - program data size
S XXXXXX - stack size
Y XXXXXX - symbol table
** BUGS **
- yeah