Yoda is a lightweight extention to GitHub (Cloud or Enterprise) for supporting Agile Project Management using GitHub issues. Yoda was developed as an internal tool at Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) and Open-Sourced using an MIT license in 2018.
Yoda main features:
- Multi-repository sprint planning and tracking.
- Highly configurable reports delivering issue statistic - ready to try on your GitHub data.
- Configurable GitHub issue exporter.
- All data is stored in GitHub - no auxiliary database - single source of truth!
- Tools for keeping milestones and labels in sync betweeen repositories.
- No installation required.
To get started with Yoda is easy. There is no need to download or install it separately as you can run Yoda straight off GitHub via the Yoda Landing Page.
In order to access issues in non-public repositories, you will need to set an appropriate personal GitHub Token. This is explained in the MANUAL linked via the landing page.
You can of course copy Yoda to your own Webserver, GitHub repository, or GitHub Enterprise. Simply get all the files in the /docs
Documentation is available either via the Yoda landing page, or directly here.
Furthermore, an Yoda presentation is available via the Yoda landing page or here.
TODO: Right now, there is no automated testing for Yoda. Plan is to use Selenium.
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Jens Vedel Markussen, Hewlett Packard Enterprise. E-mail: [email protected].
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
- Flemming Lau, Hewlett Packard Enterprise for patience, valuable inputs, reviews and discussions on Yoda.