This code is designed to run on the Ublox C027- LISA-U200 board and makes use of the CellLocate feature for indoor position estimation without GPS. When GPS is available, the location is calculated using CellLocate and GPS data in a hybrid mode.
$sudo apt-get install gdb-multiarch gcc-arm-none-eabi build-essential binutils-arm-none-eabi openocd
sudo apt-get install python2.7 python-pip git mercurial
pip install pip==8.1.1
$ sudo pip install mbed-cli
Go to the directory where you want the project to be and import the git repo and:
$ mbed import
Plug in the mbed board and then;
$ mbed detect
$ mbed toolchain GCC_ARM
$ mbed target UBLOX_C027
Change the SIM card configuration in main.cpp
To compile the code and deploy to the board;
$ mbed compile -f
(generates the .bin file in the BUILD folder)
-f causes the .bin file to be uploaded to the board as soon as it’s compiled.