TEMPLATE FOR **Server side GUI's ** and File Access in Client use this basic polymer server gui template.
since Dart Editor currently doesnt provide a combined sample code for new projects
making use of using routes and params
pathToChromium to your local absolute chromium path
projectRootPath to your local absolute project root path
run "bin/runMe.dart"
run "web/app/index.html"
my example consists of
- bin/runMe.dart
personal functions in a seperate file to keep the simpleServer file clean
- bin/myFunctions.dart
basic view
- web/app/index.dart
- web/app/index.html
simple poly item
- web/poly/helloDart.css
- web/poly/helloDart.dart
- web/poly/helloDart.html
Its not perfect but should help you get startet! ;)
####TODO update code so its enougth to start one file eg via (pubserve.dart) at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24658226/how-to-run-a-polymer-app-via-run-in-dartium-from-console
####PS: I filed a feature request
13.8.2014 -updated to work with routes >=0.1.0 <0.2.0 12.8.2014 -updated to work with polymer >=0.12.0 <0.13.0