Here are some common CMake CLI (Command Line Interface) commands used in typical workflows:
Generate build files using a CMake generator (e.g., Makefile, Ninja, Visual Studio):
cmake -S <source_directory> -B <build_directory> -G <generator_name>
-S: Specify the source directory containing the CMakeLists.txt.
-B: Specify the build directory where the build files will be generated.
-G: Specify the generator (e.g., "Unix Makefiles", "Ninja", "Visual Studio 16 2019").
cmake -S . -B build -G "Unix Makefiles"
Set CMake variables during configuration:
cmake -S <source_directory> -B <build_directory> -D<variable>=<value> -D<variable>=<value>:
Define a CMake variable. You can define multiple variables by adding more -D flags. Example:
Build the project after configuration:
cmake --build <build_directory> --target <target_name> --config <configuration>
--target: Specify a particular target to build (optional).
--config: Specify the build configuration (e.g., Debug, Release).
cmake --build build --config Release
Install the build outputs to a specified directory:
cmake --install <build_directory> --prefix <install_directory>
cmake --install build --prefix /usr/local
Run tests after building the project:
ctest --test-dir <build_directory> --output-on-failure
--output-on-failure: Shows test output if a test fails.
ctest --test-dir build --output-on-failure
Remove build artifacts:
cmake --build <build_directory> --target clean
cmake --build build --target clean
Create a package (e.g., .tar.gz, .zip) from the build artifacts:
cpack --config <package_configuration_file>
cpack --config CPackConfig.cmake
These commands help manage a CMake-based project through the command line, from generation and building to testing and packaging.