Purpose: A web client for accessing SmartThings API's. Supports both staging and production SmartThings environments.
1. Spring Boot version 2.3.4.RELEASE
2. Maven version 4.0.0
3. Java version 1.8
4. Open API swagger UI version 1.4.6
5. SmartThings java SDK client version 0.0.4-PREVIEW
6. Lombok version 1.18.14
1. Personal Access Token token
2. Mobile token (optional for now)
1. Clone this project
2. Create file env.config in C folder (in Windows OS) or in /etc/ (in Ubuntu OS)
3. Add below keys in the file
4. Run below commands and run the fatty jar using below command OR load this project in Spring Tool Suite and run the main class.
./mvnw clean
./mvnw package
java -jar target/SmartThings-Postman-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
5. Service starts on port 5200
6. You should see message "Started SmartThingsPostmanApplication in x seconds" in the console for a successfull run.
6. Launch chrome browser and access http://localhost:5200/swagger-ui.html
1. Logs to be added only in client classes.
2. Generation of loggingId should only be in client classes.
3. Need to update release notes every feature addition.