A Kotlin Multiplatform library that provides basic calculator functions: addition, subtraction, and multiplication. This library can be used in both Android and iOS applications.
- Kotlin: Ensure you have Kotlin installed (version 2.0.0 or later).
- Android Studio: Required for building the Android part of the library.
- Xcode: Required for building the iOS part of the library (Mac only).
Open the project in Android Studio.
Sync the Gradle files by clicking on "Sync Now" if prompted.
To build the Android library (.aar file), run the following command in the terminal:
./gradlew assembleRelease The generated .aar file will be located in: build/outputs/aar/
Note: The iOS framework can only be generated on a Mac.
Open the project in a terminal on your Mac.
To generate the iOS framework, you need to use the link tasks for each iOS target, like so
./gradlew linkReleaseFrameworkIosArm64
./gradlew linkReleaseFrameworkIosX64
./gradlew linkReleaseFrameworkIosSimulatorArm64
Output Location: After running the above commands, you should find the generated framework files under the following paths:
You can add the generated .aar file to your Android project as a dependency.
Import the generated .framework file into your Xcode project.