We predict the health risks to your body based on your daily health inputs people can now at a click of a button get deep insights into their health The smart predict feature helps uncover latent diseases and predict risk of future ones. Patients will be able to review their medical conditions and reach their treatment goals much faster, dramatically lowering the risks of serious health complications. The smart report is meant to empower users with a fore- knowledge of possible health risks Health risks are predicted based on the users daily health inputs including- the meals' nutritional components, water intake, sleep schedule, blood pressure, spo2 level,etc The algo we have used here compares your daily routine and eating habits with the dataset gathered from patients who are suffering from some disease. Your routine will be compared with a dataset of 9000 entries.
Precise graph analytics for users where they can see and track their routine. Prediction system which will help user identify and rectify any disease beforehand. In future we will integrate database with user's smart watch to get better activity routine and precision in prediction
- Django
- GraphQL
- React
- Apollo
- Firebase
- Magic-Auth
- Python
- JavaScript
- Heroku-Postgres
- username: test
- password: 123456
- Backend Link