This repository contains the code (in Caffe) for the paper:
Multi-Label Image Classification via Knowledge Distillation from Weakly-Supervised Detection
Yongcheng Liu, Lu Sheng, Jing Shao*, Junjie Yan, Shiming Xiang and Chunhong Pan
ACM Multimedia 2018
Project Page:
We use WSDDN
as the detection model, i.e., the teacher model.
Because the released code of WSDDN is implemented using Matlab (based on MatConvNet), we first reproduce this paper using Caffe.
[1]. Hakan Bilen, Andrea Vedaldi, "Weakly Supervised Deep Detection Networks". In: IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2016.
training: 5 scales + mirror testing: fusion of 5 scales + mirror
training: 5 scales + mirror testing: single-forward test
image_path one_hot_label_vector(e.g., 0 1 1 ...) proposal_info(e.g., x_min y_min x_max y_max score x_min y_min x_max y_max score ...)
VGG16 is used as the backbone model.
For training, we did not use spatial regularizer. More details can be referred in the paper.
For testing, you can use Pycaffe or Matcaffe.
The MLIC model in our framework, i.e., the student model, is very compact for efficiency.
It is constituted by a popular CNN model (VGG16, as the backbone model) following a fully connected layer (as the classifier).
The backbone model of the student could be different from the teacher's.
Datalist preparation is the same as mentioned in WSD. More details can be referred in our paper.
Please refer to caffe-MLIC for details.
If our paper [ACM DL] [arXiv] is helpful for your research, please consider citing:
author = {Yongcheng Liu and
Lu Sheng and
Jing Shao and
Junjie Yan and
Shiming Xiang and
Chunhong Pan},
title = {Multi-Label Image Classification via Knowledge Distillation from Weakly-Supervised Detection},
booktitle = {ACM International Conference on Multimedia},
pages = {700--708},
year = {2018}
If you have some ideas or questions about our research to share with us, please contact [email protected]