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Implement Neuralnetwork


In this assignment, I will implement a simple neural network with an input layer, a hidden layer, an output layer. Also I will write a K fold validation function and a genetic algorthim for optimization


Common neural network


Function def rand(a, b):

I use the rand function to generate a random number between a and b, (a must be smaller than b) This function is used to initialize the matrix or sampling for some purposes

Function makeMatrix(I, J):

makeMatrix function is used to generate a I rows J columns matrix

def sigmoid(x):

Caculation function. sigmoid reuturn the sigmoid function output, and sigmoid_derivative return the derivative based on the output

def sigmoid_derivative(s):

Caculation function. sigmoid reuturn the sigmoid function output, and sigmoid_derivative return the derivative based on the output

class NeuralNetwork:

def __init__(self, input_layer = 68,hidden_layer = 25, output_layer = 1, activation_function= "sigmoid",lr=0.5,seed=1, iteration=10000,batch_size = 20, mf = 0.1, lr_decay = 0.2,print_log = True, print_frequence = 100):


input_layer: the int variable of input nodes plus one [as the bias] hidden_layer: the int variable of hidden_layer output_layer: the int variable of output_layer mf: momentum factor lr: learning rate batch_size: batch size for the training, can use to speed up the training but should be careful about putting too much samples into the training lr_decay: the percent of learning reate decrease after certain time of iteration iteration: the total times of iteration error_log: a list variable which store the error value after each interation. This value is used with the viz() function print_log: bool variable, the default is True, which mean it will print error after certain times of iteration to tell us how the training process did print_frequence: decide how often should the training function print the error value


ai: input layer array ah: hidden layer array ao: output layer array # with no batch, they are one demension array, with the batch size, they are matrix with the col_num = batch_size input_weights: use the number of nodes in each layer to make calculation matrix for the propagation between each layer. the value was randomly initialized. output_weights: use the number of nodes in each layer to make calculation matrix for the propagation between each layer. the value was randomly initialized. THese two matrix will be used for matrix calculation ci: co: These two have the same dimension as the input_weights/output_weights, are storing the changes computed by the back propogation


  • Initialization


  • def make_weights(self):

use the number of nodes in each layer to make calculation matrix for the propagation between each layer. the value was randomly initialized. make matrix with the makeMatrix function

  • feedforward(self, inputs):

Perform the matrix mutiplication and compute the next layer with the valuyes of the layer and the related matrix.

  • backPropagate(self,targets, N, M):

perform backpropogation, which integrate the errors calculated from this time (bia learning rate) and the direction of last changes from the last interation ( momentum factor) to update the matrix

  • train(self, inputs, groundtruth):

The core training function. Perform the feedforward and backpropagate for the a cerntain number of times (epoch). Update the network with the learning rate.

  • test(self, inputs, groundtruth = 0):

use the train matrix to predict the data

  • viz(self):

viz the plot

Function encoder(sequence):

The DNA sequence havs A T C G, all need to be treat differently but evenly. So I decide that for each A, T , C, G we use a vector to represent it. A as [1,0,0,0] T as [0,1,0,0] C as [0,0,1,0] G as [0,0,0,1] input is a list of string, and the return will be a list with all binary values (0,1)

Function def KFold_split(inputs, groundtruth, k_folds):

This function will random split the whole dataset into k parts evenly. 
For the following process, each time we will the most parts for training but each time left a part for testing
This function will return a list like this:
# [[input_set_1, groundtruth_set_1],
[input_set_1, groundtruth_set_1]
[input_set_2, groundtruth_set_2]
[input_set_3, groundtruth_set_3]
[input_set_n, groundtruth_set_n]]

Function def cross(Father, Mother, training_inputs, training_groundtruth, test_inputs, test_groundtruth ):

This cross function is used for the genetic algorithm optimization. the inputs are two individuals, and will return a "child" with a better training performance.
This function will first generate two children. And for each child's one single feature, it will either be from the 'mother' or the 'father'
And then a quick training and testing process will be used to evalue the AUROC score.
And the 'child' with a better performance will be returned.

FUnction def mutate(individual):

for each feature of individuals, the feature's value is shitfed with in 10 percent variance. 
this is based on our thoughts that mutated should not be a lot.

def genetic_algorithm(training_inputs, training_groundtruth, test_inputs, test_groundtruth, num_population,times, invasion, hidden_nodes, lr, lr_decay, mf, batch_size, epoch):

In this function, I will perform the genetic_algorithm to find out the best combination of hyperparameters combination for the training.
[training_inputs, training_groundtruth, test_inputs, test_groundtruth] is a training, testing set which are obtained for evalute the training performance.
num_population: the number of random candidates with the random number of feathers.
times: total times of "cross" for the parents to exchange the features which uis aiming at getting 'progeny" with the better performance.
invasion: number of new "invasion" individuals, besides the progeny got from the 'cross', for each time I also introduce some new individuals with different features, 
which is aimming at making the whole population get more information for optimization.

[hidden_nodes, lr, lr_decay, mf, batch_size, epoch] are the six features i planned to use as the hyperparameter features that needs to be optimized
They are all put in as the two-element list, which represents the range. In the function, I will use rand funvtion to generate a random number between the range.


In this turtorial, I will build a autoencoder with the Neuralnetwork class and use it to show the training process

  • Initialization

Load packages

	import glob
	import os
	import sys
	import pandas as pd
	import numpy as np
	from random import sample
	from fasta_reader import read_fasta
	from NN import NeuralNetwork as NeuralNetwork, rand, KFold_split
	import random
	from i_o import encoder

stimutate a 8 elements vector randomly to build the training set

	empty_vec = np.zeros(8)
	indexs = range(0,80)

generate a dataset with 100 samples

	inputs = []
	groundtruth = []
	for i in range(0,8):
	    k =i %8 
	    vec = empty_vec.copy()
	    vec[k] =1


Build and train the network

	Autoencoder = NeuralNetwork(input_layer=8, hidden_layer= 8, output_layer=8, batch_size= 8, print_frequence=1000, lr = 0.5)
	Autoencoder.train(inputs, groundtruth)

Viz the result



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