Food Detection using FRNN Identify food items and also items in a group of food items along with bounding boxes for each food item detected in that image.
- Used Regional Proposal Network for drawing bounding boxes.
Download food items Dataset
Downloaded dataset will have 100 (folders) whose corresponding label name is present in categories.txt. Inside each folder, there will be images of food item and bb_info.txt.
Run python3 This creates bounding box files for each food image..
Run python3 This will split the food100 dataset into 2 files of images list accourding to the 'percentage_test'. The default is 10% will be assigned to test.
(1) train.txt - the list of training images (2) test.txt - the list of validating images
This .txt file data will have format of image_path,b1,b2,b3,b4,category_name(Ex: /data/images/4/342.jpg,0,0,500,375,chicken-n-egg-on-rice)
Run frcnn_train.ipynb to train a model in collab.
Run frcnn_test.ipynb to test a model for pridictions.