Demo application stores a list of tasks to do in AWS Cognito. Demo application was made by following technology stack: Ionic Framework 1, Angular 1, AWS SDK for JavaScript, HTML, CSS.
$ git clone
$ npm install
$ sudo npm install -g cordova
$ sudo npm install -g ionic
$ ionic state restore
Add userPoolId, clientId, and identityId to the file: www/js/factories/awsCognitoIdentity.factory.js
// how to get userPoolId, go to AWS Console -> Cognito -> User pools -> <select_user_pool> -> Pool details -> Pool Id
var userPoolId = '';
// how to get clientId, go to AWS Console -> Cognito -> User pools -> <select_user_pool> -> Apps -> App client id
var clientId = '';
// how to get identityPoolId, go to AWS Console -> Cognito -> Federate Identities > <select_federate_identity> -> Edit -> Identity pool ID
var identityPoolId = '';
$ ionic build android
$ ionic build ios
$ ionic serve
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.