Fixed conversion of unary operator after declaration of block
Fixed convesion of if(number)
Fixed conversion of array.join("\n")
Fixed conversion of var cls : Class = Object(this).constructor as Class
Fixed conversion of var some : Some = new someType() as Class
Fixed parsing when semicolumn is missing
Fixed conversion of some || = new Some()
Fixed crash when using setting -dictionary2hash
Fixed conversion of constructor which was written in one line
Fixed @:allow
position in the order of access modifiers
Fixed int() and Number() casts when applied to Numbers.
Only first character of package will be transformed to lower case
Loops will be converted to while
instead of for
for proper iteration variable modification
Inline alert message in generated code when trying to delete
Dictionary keys
Call Reflect.deleteField(dynamic, fieldName)
instead of delete object[fieldname]
Call as3hx.Compat.Regex::exec
instead of RegExp::exec
Call as3hx.Compat.FLOAT_MAX
instead of Number.MAX_VALUE
Call as3hx.Compat.FLOAT_MIN
instead of Number.MIN_VALUE
Call as3hx.Compat.INT_MAX
instead of int.MAX_VALUE
Call as3hx.Compat.INT_MIN
instead of int.MIN_VALUE
Call as3hx.Compat.parseFloat
instead parseFloat
Call as3hx.Compat.parseInt
instead parseInt
Call as3hx.Compat.arraySplice(array, position, length, args)
instead of array.splice(position, length, args)
Call Reflect.callMethod(null, function, args)
instead of function.apply(null, args)
Call Reflect.callMethod(null, function, [arg0, arg1])
instead of, arg0, args1)
You can’t perform that action at this time.