- 1: Delete all land claims owned by a player.
- 2: Delete all land claims except for a player.
- 3: Detele all land claims in a geographical area (coming soonish).
- http://php.net/manual/en/yaml.installation.php
- Step 1: Type
brew install php55-yaml
or whatever version of php you have (is available for 5.5,5.6,7.0,7.1) - Step 2: Add
to your php.ini file. See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25049696/how-to-install-yaml-1-1-1-into-php/27011976#27011976 - The PECL YAML Extension should now be installed and LandEdit.php can properly parse your Land.yml file.
- Step 1: Download LandEdit.php and move to the location of your Land.yml file.
- Step 2: Open Terminal and navigate to the folder LandEdit.php is located in.
(for example type
cd /Users/Haxley/MineCraft/pocketmine-mp/plugins/EconomyLand
in Terminal) - Step 3: Type
php LandEdit.php
in Terminal - Step 4: Follow prompts and enjoy weapon of mass land claim destruction.