The application is a Minimalist Book Manager API with synchronous API endpoints.
The project/solution consists of the following structure:
- BookManagerAPI
- Contains the application files
- BookManagerApi.Tests
- Contains the tests for the application
The application contains two models with the following properties:
- ID
- Title
- Description
- Author
- Genre
- ID
- Name
The application has 3 environment profiles:
- Testing: - configured to use In-Memory database
- Development: - configured to use MySQL database
- Production: - configured to use MS SQL Server database
The connection strings for both MySQL and MS SQL Server are currently defined in Environment variables:
MySQL: env variable name = CUSTOMCONNSTR_MyContextDb
- Context setup for MySQL is: MySqlDbContext.cs
MS SQL Server: env variable name = CUSTOMCONNSTR_MyContextDbSQLServer
- Context setup for MS SQL Server is: MsSqlServerDbContext.cs
The API features are:
- Get All Books - retrieves a list of all books
- Get a Book by ID - retrieve a single book via the book id
- Add a Book - add a book
- Update a Book - modify an existing book via the book id
- Delete a Book - delete a book via the book id
- Get All Authors - return a list of authors
- Get Author by ID - return a single author via the author id
- Add author - add a author
- C# / .NET 6
- NuGet
- ASP.NET Core MVC 6 (Web API Project)
- MS Entity Framework Core 6
- In Memory
- SQL Server
- Design
- MS Extensions
- Pomelo
- NUnit testing framework
- Moq
- Fork this repo to your Github and then clone the forked version of this repo.
- Restore dependencies:
- Open up project in Visual Studio
- Open up a terminal and navigate to the root folder of the main application directory BookManagerApi:
- run:
dotnet restore
- The Main Entry Point for the application is: Program.cs
- You can run the unit tests in Visual Studio, or you can go to your terminal and inside the root of this directory, run:
dotnet test