The server will be hosted on localhost
and its port is 3205
. When the client connects successfully to the server, it will enter its private phone_number (username) initially. Then it is defined in theserver system.
● -gcreate phone_number+group_name
: Creates a new specified group. The
groups have been protected with non-encrypted passwords. The system will ask to
define a password.
● -join username/group_name
: Enter to the specified username or group name.
If the group is private, the client must know the password for entering.
● -exit group_name
: Quit from the group that you are in.
● -send message_body
: Send a JSON-formatted message to the group that you are
● -whoami
: Shows your own username (phone_number) information.
● -exit
: Exit the program.
gcc threadSync.c –o outputfile –lpthread