- STREAMLINE-689: Don't delete a Custom Processor if its being used in any topology. Small UI bug fix for CP DELETE
- STREAMLINE-649: API to register avro schema, which is generated by converting streamline schema
- STREAMLINE-651: Default isUserInput checkbox in UI to true for a CP config field
- STREAMLINE-599: Fix NPE in ConsoleCustomProcessor initialize method
- STREAMLINE-598: Pre-populate values for fields for different bundles
- STREAMLINE-515: storm-solr bundle spec and flux transformation class
- STREAMLINE-427: Pull component jar dependencies using bundles from maven
- STREAMLINE-434: Check custom processor implementation in jar before uploading
- STREAMLINE-549: Add support for kafka sink
- STREAMLINE-557: Submit CP jars while submitting storm topology instead of worker downloading
- STREAMLINE-576: Notification bolt throws NPE if local.notifier.jar.path is missing
- STREAMLINE-548: Send requests to AMS concurrently when querying time-series Topology Metrics or Component Stats
- STREAMLINE-558: Time-series DB version of Topology Metrics API (aggregated ver.)
- STREAMLINE-477: Provide Cache Support for Custom Processors.
- STREAMLINE-525 Backend: include configuration files to topology jar while deploying topology based on namespace
- STREAMLINE-512 Backend: apply Topology's namespace to "Topology Action" and "Topology Metrics"
- STREAMLINE-535: Tag REST API should follow STREAMLINE-500 changes
- STREAMLINE-518: storm-jdbc bundle spec and flux transformation class.
- STREAMLINE-314: CustomProcessor should provide a Generic Processors for writing JS, ruby, python ec..
- STREAMLINE-551: .selectStreamLine() now also auto-prefixes all the join keys with 'streamline-event'.
- STREAMLINE-461: upgraded dropwizard to 1.0.5 and logback to 1.1.7 and verified logging works.
- STREAMLINE-501: Backend: Introduce Namespace and NamespaceServiceCluster Mapping
- STREAMLINE-136: Support FieldsGrouping through topology editor.
- STREAMLINE-543: Time-series AMS querier: Adjust precision automatically based on time range
- STREAMLINE-541: Time-series DB version of Topology Metrics API.
- STREAMLINE-500: Generalize the way of handling exception on service.
- STREAMLINE-533: UI - Join Processor.
- STREAMLINE-510: Basic validation before deploying a topology.
- STREAMLINE-379: Add Druid Sink
- STREAMLINE-506: TopologyEditor Settings API.
- STREAMLINE-424: HDFS Spout support.
- STREAMLINE-498: Storm Runner Time-series API should handle the difference between component name from Streamline and Storm
- STREAMLINE-462: Refactor Rules Processor.
- STREAMLINE-484: UI - Change the Topology Editor as per the mocks.
- STREAMLINE-446: UI - selecting the output schema.
- STREAMLINE-409: Add ability to add sources, sinks and processors to streams that are not supported by default bootstrap script.
- STREAMLINE-493: Disabling notification REST service by default for TP.
- STREAMLINE-436: Split Streams.
- STREAMLINE-478: Ship notifier jars and notifier config with topology during deployment.
- STREAMLINE-485: Changes in UI due to recent changes in UDF type info.
- STREAMLINE-489: Maven POM Files Project Wide Refactoring.
- STREAMLINE-488: Fix NormalizationProcessor errors while deploying topology
- STREAMLINE-487: Respond without metrics when topology API is called with metrics but storm API endpoint is down
- STREAMLINE-484: UI - Change the Topology Editor as per the mocks
- STREAMLINE-483: UI - Improve Applications Listing page.
- STREAMLINE-428: Streamline Homepage Shouldn't Require /ui/index.html to Load Page.
- STREAMLINE-463: A few fixes to accept nested schema json in /streams
- STREAMLINE-394: Remove classes related to device centric view.
- STREAMLINE-393: Capture Metadata from clusters.
- STREAMLINE-444: Enhance UDF api include type information.
- STREAMLINE-448: Windowing component should add topology.message.timeout.secs.
- STREAMLINE-460: Rename packages from com.hortonworks.iotas to org.apache.streamline
- STREAMLINE-392: ClusterConfiguration should be able to take in ambari url and grab Storm, Kafka , HDFS , Hbase, Hive etc.. configurations
- STREAMLINE-441: Remove creating tables as part of server start
- STREAMLINE-396: Enhance UDF support in rules engine.
- STREAMLINE-359: Move Windowing its own component.
- STREAMLINE-390: Added option to directly specify conditions in rule api.
- STREAMLINE-429: Topology Editor component panel changes.
- STREAMLINE-425: Topology Editor Improvements.
- STREAMLINE-408: Remove the extra config property in topology level config json.
- STREAMLINE-407: Remove imageFile field for custom processors.
- STREAMLINE-389: A few fixes for issues found while running with mysql db
- STREAMLINE-373: Email Notifier throws IllegalStateException
- STREAMLINE-391: Add Eventhub source example in topology rest api script
- STREAMLINE-397: UI bug fixes and changes for module refactoring
- STREAMLINE-398: Fix topology dag generation issue due to processor output streams not being populated
- STREAMLINE-326: TopologyDagVisitor to have visit methods for IotasSource/IotasSink/IotasProcessor
- STREAMLINE-368: Send empty array response in GET ALL requests.
- STREAMLINE-389: Added missing ruleinfo and udf tables.
- STREAMLINE-387: Misc fixes including Harsha's fixes to be able to deploy topologies.
- STREAMLINE-287: UI Refactoring
- STREAMLINE-356: Add Kafka, Kinesis, EventHubSpout as sources
- STREAMLINE-369: Make InMemoryStorageManager getNextId thread safe
- STREAMLINE-352: Remove core module and a couple other JIRAs
- STREAMLINE-347: Fix bootstrap.sh so it can be run from anywhere
- STREAMLINE-352: Refactor core module to move components into streams and other modules
- STREAMLINE_344: Iotas build fails at storage-atlas with error
- STREAMLINE-285: Hierarchical tagging system should be independent registry service
- STREAMLINE-279: Add clean up logic if any part of custom processor upload fails.
- STREAMLINE-346: Remove metrics dependency from webservice.
- STREAMLINE-343: UI Sets Parallelism Property to Type String Which Causes Topology Deployment Failure.
- STREAMLINE-266: Added OpenTsdb sink implementation using Storm's OpenTsdb bolt.
- STREAMLINE-311: Support specifying output stream within source/processor apis
- STREAMLINE-342: Rename strings in streams-layout-storm module
- STREAMLINE-295: Move classes to streams-runtime-storm
- STREAMLINE-294: Refactor classes from layout to streams-runtime
- STREAMLINE-341: Build failing due to unit test failures in storage-atlas module
- STREAMLINE-340: Move Cache to a separate module
- STREAMLINE-315: RulesChannelHandler does not override abstract method setSource
- STREAMLINE-317: Create streams-sdk
- STREAMLINE-282: Atlas storage manager implementation
- STREAMLINE-293: Streams: create streams-service
- STREAMLINE-280: catalog refactoring
- STREAMLINE-297: Move metrics to the streams project
- STREAMLINE-307: Create streams-layout-storm
- STREAMLINE-292: Create streams-layout
- STREAMLINE-306: Create new storage module for refactoring
- STREAMLINE 296: Refactor notifers and notification modules to move to the streams project
- STREAMLINE-289: Streams: create a top level streams and the mvn sub project skelton
- STREAMLINE-267: Intermittent Unit test failure in WindowRulesBoltTest
- STREAMLINE-304: integrate normalization components with new topology DAG APIs
- STREAMLINE-273: Iotas rule processor api sql support
- STREAMLINE-303: Notifications and existing action in rules should use new Action abstraction introduced as part of split/join implementation.
- STREAMLINE-302: split/join processor to be integrated with topology dag component APIs
- STREAMLINE-301: Integrate split - stage - join processor in topology editor
- STREAMLINE-299: Add 'null' check for OpenTSDBWithStormQuerier
- STREAMLINE-188: Added split/join/stage implementation for runtime
- STREAMLINE-274: Introduce REST API: Time-series DB querier
- STREAMLINE-155: Convert Topology UI JSON to Design time entities and construct DAG
- STREAMLINE-161: REST api for source, sink, processor and edge
- STREAMLINE-119: STREAMLINE Cache Requirements
- STREAMLINE-269: Normalization processor runtime and UI integration
- STREAMLINE-239: TP-3 release bug fixes
- STREAMLINE-247: Add integration test for tagging
- STREAMLINE-8: Sliding Time Windows
- STREAMLINE-252: Add integration test for StreamInfo storage with JDBC provider
- STREAMLINE-261: topology status API can't determine status of topology on Storm
- STREAMLINE-262: Fix tagging api throwing java.lang.StackOverflowError: null
- STREAMLINE-259: Do not throw an exception if schema is null
- STREAMLINE-256: Hierarchical tagging UI integration
- STREAMLINE-255: UI integration to improve parser upload experience
- STREAMLINE-265: Topologies with notification sinks throw error while deploying to storm
- STREAMLINE-248: Integration tests for Notification Service
- STREAMLINE-189: Support adding custom artifacts in storm.jar
- STREAMLINE-251: Multiple parser bolts can over write the same loaded parser jars leading to classloading issues.
- STREAMLINE-250: REST api for output streams
- STREAMLINE-158: UI should provide functionality to select a shuffle
- STREAMLINE-226: Create file resource(including jars) utility to be used in any component of a topology
- STREAMLINE-238: Fixed Tag and TagStorableMapping to be created as Storables in JDBC/Phoenix storgae providers
- STREAMLINE-196: Phoenix storage provider support in webservices modules.
- STREAMLINE-231: Change device id and version to make and model.
- STREAMLINE-215: Introduce new REST API to show metrics for topology.
- STREAMLINE-170: Add file watcher and custom processor file watcher handler with unit tests.
- STREAMLINE-224: Create tags on the fly for datasources for backward compatibility.
- STREAMLINE-201: Integrate storm-sql UDF in Iotas.
- STREAMLINE-99 : Implement hierarchical tags for IoTaS
- STREAMLINE-116: Parser Exception handling requirements.
- STREAMLINE-192: Added support for templatized message.
- STREAMLINE-172: Fix parser file name conflict.
- STREAMLINE-206: Generate normalization processor related components required for flux yaml and UI.
- STREAMLINE-86: Added api to query topology status.
- STREAMLINE-191: UI - topology actions should be integrated and provide view mode and edit mode on topology editor
- STREAMLINE-210: UI - Drop down for configs should be just move to Control Panel
- STREAMLINE-211: UI - Add breadcrumbs navigation bar for all the pages.
- STREAMLINE-199: UI - Improve the componen icon status to show its not configured
- STREAMLINE-217: Refactor to keep source, sink and processor interfaces independent
- STREAMLINE-173: Parser upload should throw a error back to user if the specified class is not available in the jar.
- STREAMLINE-174: Improve Parser upload experience.
- STREAMLINE-203: Make configKey to not be a user input for hbase bolt.
- STREAMLINE-176: topology editor deploy fails if stormHomeDir lacks leading /
- STREAMLINE-147: Support array and nested field lookup with Storm Sql.
- STREAMLINE-177: Email notification bolt is throwing IllegalStateException.
- STREAMLINE-175: Fix generics in Parser.
- STREAMLINE-64: Added normalization processor for bulk/field level normalization with groovy scripts.
- STREAMLINE-171: Normalization processor/bolt contract
- STREAMLINE-135: Implement Custom Processors.
- STREAMLINE-131: Added common Config object.
- STREAMLINE-128: Refactored design time entities.
- STREAMLINE-148: Topology Editor should be able delete the nodes.
- STREAMLINE-98: Add pair of parser name and version unique constraint in parser info.
- STREAMLINE-149: Topology Editor should allow multiples rules through UI.
- STREAMLINE-154: Fix package names to comply with the pattern com.hortonworks.iotas.
- STREAMLINE-32: Make Logging frameworks coherent across libraries and STREAMLINE codebase.
- STREAMLINE-63: scriptEngine.eval(scriptText) is run every tuple which is heavy and it should be avoided.
- STREAMLINE-78: Add dataset(weather, twittter firehouse.. etc) to IoT.
- STREAMLINE-112: DummyRuleBolt should be renamed and moved to test package.
- STREAMLINE-113: Typos in error message thrown while deploying topology.
- STREAMLINE-133: create iotas-dist, cleanup artifactid, start/stop script.
- STREAMLINE-137: Support shuffle mechanisms based on stream processing framework.
- STREAMLINE-152: Fix rpm build issues.
- STREAMLINE-159: Topology Editor changes.
- STREAMLINE-162: UI - connecting Parser to sink should be possible.
- STREAMLINE-163: UI - Any modal thats open should be closed by esc key.
- STREAMLINE-178: UI - Support Nested Json.
- STREAMLINE-179: UI - Enable custom processors registration and using them in topology editor.
- STREAMLINE-195: Custom Processor in topology editor.