This repository contains a record of the basic setup for the simulations used in my research. Eventually all cases will contain their own results report, as well.
- nWind - A simulation attempting to develop a vertical velocity profile matching the log-law, utilizing most of the parameters within the master's thesis of Timothy Stovall.
- nist - A simulation attempting to reproduce the vertical velocity profile and statistical results of the NIST Technical Note 1944, by Dr. Shi and Dr. Yeo.
- nist_asce - A simulation attempting to reproduce the vertical velocity profile and statistical results of Dr. Shi and Dr. Yeo
- hipecc - Bash scripts used on the Wichita State University High Performance Computing Center.
- python - Python scripts used.
- Stovall, T., 2009, "Simulations of Wind Turbine Wake Interactions in OpenFOAM," M.S. thesis, Dept. Mech. Eng., Univ. CO.
- Shi, L. and Yeo, D., 2016, "OpenFOAM Large-Eddy Simulations of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Turbulence for Wind Engineering Applications," Technical Note 1944, NIST.
- Shi, L. and Yeo, D., 2017, "Large Eddy Simulations of Model-Scale Turbulent Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flows, J. Eng. Mech, 143(9).
- Wichita State University HiPeCC