Implemented sharding inspired by Google's Slicer for load balancing which dynamically considers the loads of servers
To install required dependencies, in the folder run:
npm install
Install nodemon (nodemon refreshes server automatically when you save changes) globally:
npm i -g nodemon
Uninstall Artillery v2 if exists:
npm uninstall -g artillery
Install Artillery v1 (may give error warning can ignore):
npm i -g [email protected]
Example to run 3 app servers at http://localhost:8080/, http://localhost:8081/, http://localhost:8082/, open different terminals/windows and run in app_server folder:
nodemon index.js --port 8080 # terminal 1
nodemon index.js --port 8081 # terminal 2
nodemon index.js --port 8082 # terminal 3
Run front end in front_end folder:
nodemon index.js
Controller mode can be set by changing the variable:
// false for dynamic load balancing. true for static/consistent hashing
Run controller in controller folder:
nodemon controller.js
Frontend and and app server addresses are in addresses_of_machines.txt. The first line list front end addresses, the second app servers. Whenever changes are made, must manually restart front end and controller even if they were run using nodemon since they read in these values during initialization.
Addresses in addresses_of_machines.txt need to be consistent across controller and front ends to have consistent view of app servers, since indices are used.
Install wrk2:
See example scripts longCompScript.lua and readLineByLine.lua for long computations and key value test respectively.
Change the ip addresses in the append calls of the init function to the IP/port addresses of the front ends.
To run a test, specify the lua script file with -s and use one of the front end's address as the target. E.g.:
wrk -t2 -c200 --timeout 15s --latency -s readLineByLine.lua -d360s -R3500
Make sure using artillery v1 (see installation guides section).
Once addresses_of_machines.txt is populated appropriately, start app_servers and front_end. Then run controller. Wait 5 seconds for first mapping distribution. Then can run artillery tests.
Run in load_testing folder:
artillery run scenario_test.yml
You can create other .yml config file e.g. for testing long computations and run those.
Cutomized Artillery:
node user_generator.js
Run customized users:
artillery run customized_test.yml
download local DynamoDB here:
cd DB
npm install
aws configure
AWS Access Key ID: fakeMyKeyId
AWS Secret Access Key: fakeSecretAccessKey
Default region name:
Default output format:
Start DynamoDB:
cd dynamodb_local_latest
java -Djava.library.path=./DynamoDBLocal_lib -jar DynamoDBLocal.jar -sharedDb -port 8888
List Tables:
aws dynamodb list-tables --endpoint-url http://localhost:8888
List Specific Table Entries:
aws dynamodb scan --table-name BasicStore --endpoint-url http://localhost:8888
Local Experiments: Create Table:
node createLocalTable.js
Delete Table:
node deleteLocalTable.js
Get Items:
node getLocalItem.js
Set Items:
node setLocalItem.js
Config a New Table before each Test:
node createTable.js
install node:
install git:
sudo yum install git
install redis:
Check Other resources:
Worked with two other teammates. Heidi is responsible for the design and implementation of Controller.