Java library for dispatching request to extrenal services over ZeroMQ sockets. The library targets use inside Java Servlet Containers, like Apache Tomcat, which expose a multithreaded environment.
It comes acompanied with ZmqWorker and ZmqProxy classes that allow the creation of simple remote services.
- Non-blocking access to remote Request/Reply ZMQ services.
- Asynchronus dispatching of several requests before the replys are received.
- Single threaded callback execution (gatherResults())
- Forwarding of Exceptions
- One way requests (with callback = null)
In this example we create a remote service that creates globally unique ids.
String idChannel = "ipc:///idChannel"; // ZMQ Endpoint for communication
class idRequest implements Serializable {} // request class for dispatching
// Setup an idServer with a single thread listening on idChannel
ZmqWorkerProxy proxy = new ZmqWorkerProxy(idChannel);
proxy.add(1, new RequestHandler<idRequest, Long>() {
long currentId = 0;
public Long handleRequest(idRequest request) throws Exception {
return currentId++;
// We create a dispatcher object and tell it to send idRequests to the idChannel:
Dispatcher dispatcher = new Dispatcher();
dispatcher.registerService(idRequest.class, idChannel);
// In the simplest case we do a synchronous call and wait for the result
long id = (Long) dispatcher.executeSync(new idRequest());
System.out.println("Sync id: " + id);
// prints "Sync id: 0"
// For asyncrhonus calls we define a callback object and pass it to the dispatcher
dispatcher.execute(new idRequest(), new Callback<Long>() {
public void onSuccess(Long id) {
System.out.println("Async id: " + id);
// the request is now executed and is processing on the server.
// The following call waits for the results of all requests
// and executes the callback methods:
// prints "Async id: 1"
// Cleanup
- Request/Reply interfaces. To be implemented by new services and instanciated for requests. The objects are serialized and sent over the wire.
- Abstract Callback Class. To be extended by callback anonymous inner classes (AIC), hat handle the replies.
- Dispatcher Class. Orchestrages serivces and callback execution in a synchronus event loop.
- ZMQ Network Service library. Handles socket communication and polling.
This project used by the project, which have provided the initial motivation to write this tool and contrinuted a lot of valuable feedback.