Here you can Setup Limited Safes and Supplyboxes per Baselevel
powered by HellBz
BaseLevel | Number of Safes | Number of Supply Boxes | Number of Crates | Number of Tents |
1 | 5 | 1 | 5 | 5 |
2 | 7 | 2 | 5 | 5 |
3 | 9 | 3 | 5 | 5 |
4 | 11 | 4 | 5 | 5 |
5 | 14 | 5 | 10 | 10 |
6 | 16 | 6 | 10 | 10 |
7 | 18 | 7 | 10 | 10 |
8 | 20 | 8 | 15 | 15 |
9 | 22 | 9 | 15 | 15 |
10 | 25 | 10 | 15 | 15 |
110 --> For Inspiration and Testing
This installation is not very Hard
Update Your exile.ini from extDB
For ExtDB2 Users Add:
SQL1_1 = SELECT id FROM container WHERE class = 'Exile_Container_SupplyBox' && territory_id = ?
Number of Inputs = 1
And ExtDB3 Users only Add:
SQL1_1 = SELECT id FROM container WHERE class = 'Exile_Container_SupplyBox' && territory_id = ?
Copy the Folder Overrides to you Exile.YourMap Folder
in the Config.cpp in the ection CfgExileCustomCode you Add:
ExileClient_util_world_canBuildHere = "overrides\ExileClient_util_world_canBuildHere.sqf";
ExileServer_object_supplyBox_network_installSupplyBoxRequest = "overrides\ExileServer_object_supplyBox_network_installSupplyBoxRequest.sqf";
ExileServer_object_construction_network_buildConstructionRequest= "overrides\ExileServer_object_construction_network_buildConstructionRequest.sqf";
in the Config.cpp in the ection CfgTerritories you Modify:
prices[] =
// Purchase Price Radius Number of Objects
{5000, 15, 30 }, // Level 1
{10000, 30, 60 }, // Level 2
{15000, 45, 90 }, // Level 3
{20000, 60, 120 }, // Level 4
{25000, 75, 150 }, // Level 5
{30000, 90, 180 }, // Level 6
{35000, 105, 210 }, // Level 7
{40000, 120, 240 }, // Level 8
{45000, 135, 270 }, // Level 9
{50000, 150, 300 } // Level 10
Change it to:
prices[] =
// Purchase Price Radius Number of Objects Number of Safes Number of Boxes Number of Crates Number of Tents
{5000, 15, 30, 5, 1, 5, 5 }, // Level 1
{10000, 30, 60, 7, 2, 5, 5 }, // Level 2
{15000, 45, 90, 9, 3, 5, 5 }, // Level 3
{20000, 60, 120, 11, 4, 5, 5 }, // Level 4
{25000, 75, 150, 14, 5, 10, 10 }, // Level 5
{30000, 90, 180, 16, 6, 10, 10 }, // Level 6
{35000, 105, 210, 18, 7, 10, 10 }, // Level 7
{40000, 120, 240, 20, 8, 15, 15 }, // Level 8
{45000, 135, 270, 22, 9, 15, 15 }, // Level 9
{50000, 150, 300, 25, 10, 15, 15 } // Level 10
This Step is for teh Action (Here User Can Delete a SupplyBox in own Territory) in the Config.cpp in the ection CfgInteractionMenus-->SupplyBox-->Actions you Add:
// Delete the SupplyBox.
class Delete: ExileAbstractAction
title = "Delete SupplyBox";
condition = "call ExileClient_util_world_isInOwnTerritory";
action = "_this spawn ExileClient_object_container_pack";
Mutchas Gratias
And Have Fun with this Modification
Best Regards