- Laguna Theme - An Emacs Theme
(Magit support):
This screenshot's an earlier version of the Laguna Theme.
Laguna is my personal emacs theme. You can have it, too.
Installation: Laguna Theme is on MELPA. Please verify that MELPA has been added to your package archives.
(load-theme 'laguna t t)
(enable-theme 'laguna)
;; Or, if you use `use-package', do something like this:
(use-package laguna-theme
:init (progn (load-theme 'laguna t t))
:defer t
:ensure t)
Terminal Colors look wonky in your terminal? This can sometimes helps:
# Throw this in your ~/.bash_profile if Laguna Theme (emacs) isn't displaying properly
export TERM="xterm-256color"