This package allow you to animate SVG path with diffrent animation types in both Android and IOS Application. Package is extended version of react-native-svg-animations
$ npm i @hestabit/react-native-svg-animate
$ npm i react-native-svg
$ react-native link react-native-svg
Async | Delayed | One By One |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
On the following images, the pink color represents the duration value, and the blue one is for delay value.
Each line is drawn asynchronously. They all start and finish at the same time, hence the name async.
Every path element is drawn at the same time with a small delay at the start. This is currently the default animation.
Each path element is drawn one after the other. This animation gives the best impression of live drawing. The duration for each line depends on their length to make a constant drawing speed.
import { AnimateSVG } from '@hestabit/react-native-svg-animate'
viewBox={"0 0 512 512"}
ref={ref => (this._animateSVG = ref)}
<Button title="Replay" onPress={()=> this._animateSVG.replay()} />
<Button title="Rewind" onPress={()=> this._animateSVG.rewind()} />
Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
strokeColor | string | The color of the path stroke. | black |
strokeWidth | number | The thickness of the path stroke. | 1 |
duration | number | Time in ms to complete the path drawing from starting point to ending point. | 1000ms or 1s |
delay | number | Time in ms before starting animation. | null |
height | number | The height of the base SVG. | screen viewport height |
width | number | The width of the base SVG. | screen viewport width |
scale | number | The scale of the output SVG based on the width and height of the base SVG. | 1.0 or 100% |
fill | string | The color fill of the closed path. | none |
loop | bool | Whether the animation loops infinitely. | false |
viewBox | string | Control the viewBox by adding the attribute viewBox to the svg element. | null |
style | object | You can use the style property to add the styles inline. | {} |
type | string | Type of animation, Package can animate SVG in one of these type. [async , delayed , one_by_one ] |
async |
d | string/array | The SVG Path to be animated. (required ) It can be single path as string or multiple path as an array of string. |
- |
animEffect | string | Defines what kind of easing effect will be used: [linear , ease_in , ease_out , back , bounce , elastic ] |
linear |
Name | Description |
replay() | Restart the animation. |
rewind() | Play the animation in reverse mode. |