StardewValley Like Farming System
Just compile it with gradle build. Some premium plugins are used as local libraries. If you don't need those integrations just remove them!
Crops will start growing at about 7am (Game Time).
Crops in watered pot would definitely grow a stage every day while those in dry pot have less chance.
Season is now an important part of StardewValley Farming System. Crops only grow in a suitable season and inproper seasons will make crops into a dead stage. You can use greenhouse glass to allow them to grow all year.
There are five templates of fertiziliers:
SpeedGrow: Crops have a small chance to grow two stages at a time
RetainingSoil: Pot have a small chance to retain its water after crops grow
QuailityCrops: When haveresting, players have a higher chance to get high quality crops.
YieldIncreasing: When haveresting, players have a higher chance to get more crops.
Gigantic: Crops have a higher chance to be gigantic.
Sprinkler is a semi-automatic way of watering pot. You can add water to sprinkler with
water bucket or watering can. Max storage and range can be customized.
Watering-can also has its max storage and effective range. 1x1 1x3 3x3 and even 9x99 is supported!
If configurated, crops have a very little chance to be OverWeight(gigantic) after they are ripe.
Crops have three qualities, if you don't want this feature just delete it in config. Quality is determined by the fertizilier players use and their luck!
If configurated, crops can be harvested repeatedly and return to a specified stage.
This is useful for crops like grape.
Crops have a little chance to be eaten by a crow.
A scarecrow would help the crops free of their attacks in one chunk.
Crops growing progress is distributed evenly to the whole day so there would not be large amount of blocks replacement at the same time.
Crops' data would be removed from file as soon as they are ripe, which would not affect your server performance in the long term.