Gulp task for uploading builds to HockeyApp service. Only one HockeyApp API method is supported - Upload Version, which enables user to upload and start distributing a new build for pre-configured application.
npm install gulp-hockeyapp
var hockeyApp = require('gulp-hockeyapp-upload');
gulp.task('hockeyapp', function(done) {
var options = {
apiToken: 'API_TOKEN',
inputFile: 'builds/myapp.apk',
notify: 0,
status: 2,
teamList: [1234, 5678]
function(response) {
// All is ok, build was uploaded
function(err) {
// Something is wrong...
}); - required application id, e.g. 174c943c7783430a9e1cb20bb372aea1.
options.apiToken - required API token issued on HockeyApp site.
options.inputFile - required path to input file.
options.notify - optional, whether to notify testers about new build or not. Possible values:
- 0 - don't notify testers (default value)
- 1 - notify all testers that can install the app
- 2 - notify all
This setting requires full-access token.
options.status - optional download status. Possible values:
- 1 - don't allow users to download or install this version
- 2 - available for download and installation (default value)
options.teamList - optional array of teams ids which should be able to download the app.
options.notes - optional release notes.
options.notes_type - optional, type of the release notes text. Possible values:
- 1 - Textile
- 2 - Markdown
See LICENSE file.