Steganography with the help of LLMs.
This project is a steganography tool that uses LLMs to hide information in text.
In API encoding mode, the tool works with OpenAI compatible /v1/completions
APIs. Since a huge amount of tokens are consumed, it's better to be used with a self-hosted model.
In native encoding mode, the tool works with Hugging Face Transformers. It has faster token selection speed and higher success rate, but requires a powerful local machine.
The decoding does not require model access.
To install the package, run:
poetry install
To install with CUDA support, run:
poetry install --extras cuda
To encode the hidden text with LLM API:
python -m llm_steganography encode text_to_hide.txt output_text.txt --encode_mode api --prompt "说来话长," --baseurl http://localhost:1234/v1 --apikey lm-studio --model qwen2.5-0.5b
The encoding process might be stagnant. Some retries are needed.
To encode the hidden text with native LLM:
python -m llm_steganography encode text_to_hide.txt output_text.txt --encode_mode native --prompt "说来话长," --model Qwen/Qwen2.5-0.5B --top_k 50
To decode the hidden text:
python -m llm_steganography decode output_text.txt result.txt
. Required. -
Input file path. Required. -
Output file path. Required. -
Encoding mode, either 'api' or 'native'. Used in encoding. -
Text that the generated output should begin with. Used in encoding. -
Password for encryption. Used in encoding. Optional. -
Number base for internal encoding. Higher base means shorter text but slower speed and lower success rate. Used in both encoding and decoding. Default: 16. Available: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 85. -
Characters used to encode one bit. Lower values mean shorter output but higher chance of LLM getting stuck. Used in both encoding and decoding. Default: 8. -
Base URL for the API endpoint. Required for API encoding mode. -
API key for authentication. Required for API encoding mode. -
Model name/path. Required for both API and native encoding modes. -
Top K sampling parameter for native mode. Default: 50.
All examples are created using qwen2.5-0.5b model with LM Studio running on M4 Mac Mini. Currently, using character-based languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) as prompt has better performance since they have more variations in fewer characters.
Encrypt plaintext A
with password password
, starter text is 说来话长,
, takes about 11 minutes.
说来话长,那是一个周末的晚自习时间,小明在玩电脑游戏。突然,一道数学题从他脑海中闪过:“4除以0怎么算?”这时,小明感到自言自语:是0啊!就当它只是个谜语吧。\n小明很快完成了解题任务,但是他的问题并未得到全解。接下来就是下一次的上自考,这次他准备了三个备选答案,请你判断一下谁才是正确的呢?\n【分析】小明对这个数学题目不会做,也没有精力去思考它究竟要解决什么。在参考书上的答出“是0啊”,于是一味地听从自己父母的话,“这是考试题呀”,所以就将答案写成了“0”。他将34除以5等于6余4的解法记录下来:“这道题和数学题一模一样,都只是简略重复了一次。”\n可是,小明在下一次上自考时却问过一位数学老师:那我们该怎么办?这位老师告诉他:既然这个题目是考数学题啊!那么你只要计算一下4除以0的结果。如1、2、3……就都会正确。而答案“是0啊”的就是这道问题的答案了。\n小明恍然大悟,终于得到了正解,他也成为了第一个人解决了这个看似简单的题目。他仔细想了想:对啊,“有谁会说我不是数学老师呀”?于是就将这个问法挂在了前面的题上:“1、2、3……?”\n“没听说过,我来吧!我也是第一次碰到这个问题呢!”小明开始思考问题的解答过程。\n小明发现了一个错误的解法:他写的是4÷5=0.8,实际上应该是4÷0.5=8。然而在第二次上自考时,小明却将这个答出:“是0啊”!于是小明又去问那数学老师了。\n小明告诉老师他的错误方法:2/1 3/2 4/3………,因此他得出了答案“不是零”。\n可是老师告诉他:这道题还有一点特别的啊!那就是题目里有加法啦?然后他又在上面写上了“加法”几个字。最后他算出了答案:“4+1=5”,但是结果却是7而不是0。于是,老师又让小明做一遍这个题目。\n这一次,小明终于解出来:32÷6=5余2(四舍五入)…所以小明最终的答成了“是零”的答对了。\n他看着答案说:“我太笨了”!\n然而,老师又问他为什么最后不会写错呢?因为这道题目里也含有乘法啦!\n【分析】原来老师教的小明已经学过两层运算:1、2、3……和加法和乘法。因此,在做小题时,如果加上一个“0”就可以不计算了,但如果加上“×5”或者“÷6”,就会产生成立不定方程。所以答案的个位数就很容易确定。\n于是他再次解出:4+2=6,而这个结果就是正确答案了。\n小明的错解是错在对乘法不熟悉,在上自考时,他就忘记加法了。因此老师让小明进行计算时,就把“0”当作加数和因数,将1、2、3…也当做加数来算了,最后的4+6就等于10,但因为这道题没加乘号,在解答过之后就被写成了零。\n于是小明才想到了老师教的东东:在计算时可以去掉一个“0”!\n原来小明根本不知道为什么会出错。而他之所以这道题没有答对,就因为他没明白这一道理。\n从此以之为教育的启示吧,生活中的很多数理问题也都是这样,不搞清楚数学原意,又会一知半解,得出了错误的结\n【答案】7.\n由“4÷5=0.8”可得:\n所以小明的答案是7。\n分析:\n如果将除数5改成2,则6可以分成3和3。所以算式变为\n(1)若被减数、减数同时乘以10,那计算结果就变了,变成3×10=30;4÷(3÷10)=10。\n(2)如果要从商的最高位起数出余数,则必须使差中每个数字都大于或等于6。所以算式变为:\n故答案为:7.\n【答\n因为小明只在做一道题时,没搞清楚数学问题到底是什么意思;所以
Encode plaintext Secret
with no password, starter text is 说来话长,
, takes about 1 minute.
More examples can be found in tests/
- Decoding errors
- Line breaks handling
- More encoding options
- Decoding webpage
Inspired by 抽象emoji加密器 and Badness 0 (Apostrophe‛s version)
Contributions appreciated.