Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm obsessed with data science, love data analysis, visualizing data, and making sense of numbers.
- Python | SQL | Power BI | Tableau | Excel
- Data Analysis | Machine Learning
- Git | JIRA | SharePoint | Confluence
SQL EDA Project - Free to Paid SignUp Rate Analytics - Calculating the fraction of students who convert to paying ones after starting a course in MySQL WorkBench
Python - weather-data-insights - This project highlights several critical aspects of Python, including: Data Manipulation, Data Visualization, Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), Correlation Analysis, Feature Engineering. Insights from Historical Weather Trends.
Python-Movie Correlation Analysis - Explored relationships between movie features using Python.
Assessing Campaign Performance Using Chi-Square Test For Independence - To compare the sign-up rates of the two groups of Mailer in a grocery store, we used the Chi-Square Test for Independence.