Apr 2020 – May 2020
Project description- Allow users to post free ADs and or see all other posts from another user
- Redesign Craigslist with modern design language with more responsive web design.
- Develop backend server with NodeJS, use MySQL database to store data
- Front end development with EJS templating language, CSS3, Bootstrap 4, HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery
- Implement a search engine with MySQL and ExpressJS
- Use socket io and MySQL build a live chat system
- Added in-app filter to allow users to locate their wanted item effectively
- Hosted on Heroku, allow a user to access this web app anywhere and any devices
- Collaborating with 4 other colleagues from another department, applying Agile development methodologies, Git workflow and GitHub action.
- HTML 5
- Bootstrap 4
- jQuery
- Vanilla JS
- nodeJS
- ExpressJS
- passportJS + JSON WEB TOKEN
- Socket io
- Google mySQL instance
- Amazon S3 bucket
Note: if you want to enable the oauth function, you need to get you api from facebook and google
A google mySQL instance click here to get one
A s3 bucket for hosting image click here to get one
A cloudfront CDN to route you s3 bucket How to set up
Set up AWS IAM policy and get the IAM key and secret How to set up
Follow this instruction to get your facebook app id and secret
Follow this instruction to get your google app id and secret
- create a dotenv file and enter the require data as below
- Original Domain name is the S3 bucket that you created