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4. The metafor package

christinaalam edited this page Feb 12, 2024 · 2 revisions

Running the model also requires installing the metafor package manually on the IDModeling server or on your local computer. To install the package on the IDModeling server, follow steps 1-4:

  1. Use srun --pty --mem=3G --nodelist=idmodeling<2 or 3> bash to open an interactive session (you can change the mem argument to use additional memory)

  2. Type in /opt/R/4.0.3/bin/R to get into the R environment for the version of R needed to run this model (currently version 4.0.3)

  3. Type in install.packages('metafor')

  4. Specify the CRAN mirror you want to use to get the package from CRAN