A JavaScript/TypeScript browser api for interacting with Hotwallet, the wallet browser extension of Hotmoka blockchain. This library gets injected by the Hotwallet browser extension into the current document.
import { isExtensionAvailable, StorageValueFactory } from 'hotwallet-api'
// check if Hotwallet extension is available
isExtensionAvailable().then(isAvailable => {
if (isAvailable) {
// access hotwalletApi instance of window object
// try to connect to Hotwallet
window.hotwalletApi.connect().then(account => {
alert('Connected successfully Hotwallet')
.catch(err => alert(err.message))
} else {
alert('Hotwallet extension not installed')
.catch(() => alert('Hotwallet extension not installed'))
// send transaction
smartContractAddress: {
type: 'local',
hash: '...'
methodSignature: {
instanceMethod: true,
voidMethod: true,
definingClass: 'HelloWorld',
methodName: 'testMe',
formals: ['java.math.BigInteger', 'java.lang.String']
receiver: {
type: 'local',
hash: '...'
actuals: [
StorageValueFactory.newStorageValue('20000', 'java.math.BigInteger'),
StorageValueFactory.newStorageValue('hello world', 'java.lang.String'),
amount: '5000',
name: 'Transaction test'
.then(result => ...)
.catch(err => ...)
npm install
npm run bundle
npm run test:all