A CUDA Mesh RayTracer with BVH acceleration. Copy from here, add face_id of mesh as output.
git clone git@github.com:Huang-ZhangJin/raycastmesh.git
cd raycastmesh
pip install . or python setup develop
Example code:
import numpy as np
import trimesh
import torch
import raycastmesh
# build BVH from mesh
mesh = trimesh.load('example.ply')
RT = raycastmesh.RayTracer(mesh.vertices, mesh.faces) # build with numpy.ndarray
# get rays
rays_o, rays_d = get_ray(pose, intrinsics, H, W) # [N, 3], [N, 3], query with torch.Tensor (on cuda)
# query ray-mesh intersection
intersections, face_normals, depth, face_ids = RT.trace(rays_o, rays_d) # [N, 3], [N, 3], [N,], [N,]
- Credits to Thomas Müller's amazing tiny-cuda-nn and instant-ngp!
- Credits to ashawkey!