Discord bot for sending a daily message of random tasks to a user. Written in python using discord.py.
This bot is made to give the user randomly assigned tasks each day. You decide what the tasks could be and how likely it should be to be selected and once a day the bot will message you on discord with two of them. For me, I have plenty of projects I could be working on but I always focus on one and quickly forget old ones. By having a couple selected for me each day, I feel more obligated to work on them. Plus it's fun to see what your tasks for the day are and being forced to regularly change things up.
The bot works by adding it to a Discord server you own (or making a new one just for it) and running a python script locally or on a server. You set your defaults in the config file but can then changes options in memory by talking to the bot over the server with commands.
This bot requies python 3.5.3 or newer. You can see if it is installed by opening a terminal or command prompt and typing
python --version
if that does not work, try
python3 --verion
If neither of those work you will most likely have to install python. If your python is older than version 3.5.3 you will have to update python.
Before you can use this bot you have to install discord.py. This bot is writen in discord.py Rewrite so be sure you are not using an older version. For an up to day installation guide, reference the offical discord.py documentation.
To set up the bot on the server, go to https://discord.com/developers/applications There you will be asked to login to your Discord account.
From there, select New Application in the top write corner, give it a name, and click Create.
On the server, go to the Bot tab on the side bar. On that screen click Add Bot.
You shold now have a bot created, scroll down to the card labeled Bot Permissions. The permissions you give is up to you but at a minimum you must include Send Messages, Read Message History, and View Channels.
Scroll back up to the top and click Copy under the Token. This will copy the bot's token to your clipboard, which you will use in the next step.
It is also on this page where you can name the bot and give it a profile picture.
First clone this repository.
On the second line of
, replace YOUR_TOKEN_HERE with your bot's token. It is important that you do not share this token with anyone or upload it online to ensure safety.
[Steps 4 and 5 are optional as they can be done after bot is running]
Further down in that file, you will see a tasks section with examples of messages the bot can send you. The numbers represent the likelyhood of those tasks being pulled. For exapmle, Common (lvl4)-ONE if 4x more likely to be picked than "Rare (1) Example." Add the tasks you would like here.
- You can update these in memory later.
Set the time in the same file under messageTime. It requires a 24-hour clock. If you wated 3:00pm, for example, you would set hour to 15 and minutes to 0. Additionally, you can set it to not send messages on certain days by adding the day of the week in the blacklistedDays section. These days must be in quotations, seperated by commas, and spelled correctly, however capitalization is optional.
To run the bot, simply run the python script. You can do this this by navigating to the directory in a terminal or command prompt and typying:
python3 DailyMessageBot.py
As long as the script is running, the bot will be active. It is easiest to keep it running is to have it run on a sever.
You can use these commands to talk to the bot on it's server. All commands are prefaced with "dmb" and a space.
addUser --------- takes list of users mentioned with an @; adds users to list of who to send daily messages.
ex. dmb addUser @johnsmith @janedoe
echo ------------ takes a string; sends string back to you.
ex. dmb Hello World
getUsers ------- takes no arguments; responds with list of all users added.
ex. dmb getUsers
help ---------- takes no arguments; responds with list of all commands.
ex. dmb help
ping ------------ takes no arguments; responds with "pong".
ex. dmb ping
removeUser ---- takes list of users mentioned with an @; removes users from list of who to send daily messages.
ex. dmb removeUser @johnsmith @janedoe
setNumTasks ----- takes one integer; sets number of tasks that will be sent each day.
ex. dmb setNumTasks 3
testTasks ------- takes no arguments; messages users with random tasks.
ex. dmb testTasks
viewTasks ------- takes no arguments; sends all tasks and their corresponding weights.
ex. dmb viewTasks
addTask ------- takes an integer (the weight of task) and a string in quotes; adds task in memory along under their weight.
ex. dmb addTask 5 "Read chapter of book"
removeTask ------- takes a stirng in quotes; removes that task from memory. Must be exact, it is reccomended to copy it from the viewTasks commad.
ex. dmb removeTask "Read chapter of book"
setMessageTime ------- takes a time in 24 hour format; sets that time to be when messages will be sent each day.
ex. dmb setMessageTime 23:15
viewMessageTime ------- takes no arguments; returns time that messages will be set each day.
ex. dmb viewMessageTime
blockDays ------- takes strings, must be a day of the week. Capitalization does not matter but spelling does; prevents message from being sent on those days.
ex. dmb blockDays Tuesday Friday
unblockDays ------- takes strings, must be a day of the week. Capitalization does not matter but spelling does; removes those days from the list of blocked days..
ex. dmb blockDays Friday
viewBlockedDays ------- takes no arguments; returns the days messages will not be sent.
ex. dmb viewMessageTime