The offical HydroSense library for the TI ADS1118 16-Bit ADC chip.
Created By: Colby Rome ([email protected]) Last Updated By: Ward Prescott ([email protected]) on Mar 9, 2016 12:08 AM
Ads1118(int CS_pin)
adsRead(int port)
returns the floating point representation of the voltage at the port. Macros for the different ports are defined in the header file and are:- DIF01
- DIF23
- AIN0
- AIN1
- AIN2
- AIN3
is being debugged and may or may not work.setGain(int GainSet)
the method returns1 if there is an error communicating with the device. This may be due to a wiring problem or other SPI error.
There no public parameters of interest.
Clone repository into your Arduino libraries folder (typically ~/Arduino/libraries/)
See the examples folder.
None yet.
- Temperature readings
- Low power mode (current it is set to constantly sample)