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OTF Finance workflow Research Plan

Bernard Tyers edited this page Mar 8, 2021 · 8 revisions


This research plan it to cover the new OTF Finance workflow within Hypha, which covers:

  1. Payment Approval Process
  2. Report Management
  3. Contract Creation and Management

People to contact

OTF Staff. ((More detail here))


  • Understand the different types of contracts. For each type of contract:
    • Document the required payment workflow
  • Understand the contract parameters requried for each type of contract
  • Understand the payment parameters required for each type of contract

Contract type 1

  • Understand the flow of an invoice from when a project member creates it, to when OTF sends the payment to the bank account
    • Understand the workflow behind each of those contracts
  • Document the contract creation workflow


This work needs to be finished in 1-2 months.

Equipment and tools

This research will be done remotely. We'll use a video conferencing tool with screensharing capabilities, whichever is chosen as mst suitable.


We'll use semi-structured interview guides to focus on the subject of interest. Where possible I'll join meetings to shadow during work meetings.

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