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Releases: IBM/mac-ibm-notifications

Version 3.2.1 Build 127

13 Nov 08:19
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General Updates

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused missing title bar buttons on Onboarding UI - #218
  • Fixed an issue with unexpected app crashes while using the slideshow accessory view - #223

Version 3.2.0 Build 126

16 Jul 14:42
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General Updates

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with text colour in html and htmlwhitebox accessory views - #211



  • It's now possible to hide the title bar in the popup UI using the -hide_title_bar argument - Doc - #181
  • The popup UI can now show more that two accessory views using -accessory_view_type_N and -accessory_view_payload_N arguments, where N is an integer - Doc - #202

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue with the popup UI icon's aspect ratio when using custom icons - #201


Bug Fixes

  • Increased the horizontal margin for the onboarding UI texts - #206
  • Resolved an issue that caused unexpected behavior of the progress bar in a single-paged onboarding - #214

Version 3.1.0 Build 110

13 Dec 14:31
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General Updates


  • Introduced a new slideshow accessory view.
  • Added a new -disable_quit argument to prevent the command cmd+q from closing the UI. Close #180
  • Added support for displaying GIFs in the image accessory view. Close #165
  • Introduced a new payload key for the datepicker accessory view to specify a limited range for selecting dates/times. Close #178

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue where incorrect behavior occurred when both -unmovable and -always_on_top arguments were used simultaneously. Close #193



  • Added a new -custom_width argument to set a custom width for the pop-up UI. Close #133
  • Introduced a new -buttonless argument for displaying a pop-up UI without any visible destructive CTA (Call to Action) buttons. Close #179

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a problem with custom icon sizing in the pop-up UI, which previously caused text to be cropped. Close #189

Version 3.0.3 Build 108

06 Sep 10:19
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Onboarding UI incorrectly positioned the output file. #186

Version 3.0.2 Build 107

05 Sep 14:49
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General Updates

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue with custom fonts in the html and htmlwhitebox accessory views on macOS 14 Sonoma. Closes #163
  • Resolved an issue that cause the wrong calculation of the size for the info section on pop-up and onboarding UIs.
  • Other minor fixes and refactor of the codebase.

Notification Banner/Alert


  • Now the banner/alert UIs use emit sounds only if the Audio System Setting "Play user interface sound effects" is enabled.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the Onboarding window size when using some specific accessory views. Closes #169
  • Resolved a bug that cause the wrong primary button label on sigle paged onboarding workflows. Closes #174
  • Resolved a bug that cause the missing update of the information in the Onboarding output's file. Closes #170

Version 3.0.0 Build 104

24 Jul 12:38
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General Updates


  • Migrated the UI from AppKit to SwiftUI for modernized UI experience and streamlined feature development. #110
  • Integrated SF Symbol support for icons. #113
  • Added -background_panel argument for defining a comprehensive background view across all screens/spaces. #89
  • Introduced -unmovable argument to ensure the popup/onboarding UI remains stationary on the screen. #152
  • Introduced a new datepicker accessory view. #119

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved a bug causing incorrect interpretation of / in progress bar payloads.
  • Fixed an issue where lengthy text would be cut off at the end when used with the checklist accessory view.
  • Corrected a problem that returned the wrong code when the cmd+q keyboard shortcut was used. #138



  • Implemented a tracking feature for the "Play user interface sound effect" setting to prevent IBM Notifier from playing pop-up sounds when the option is disabled.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved a bug causing wrong representation of the pop-up text when custom size of the icon were defined. #143



  • Enabled defining a Tertiary button on the onboarding page. #123
  • Added the capability to set custom labels for onboarding buttons. #131
  • Integrated a feature to set a timeout for the onboarding UI. #154
  • Developed a new onboarding progress bar mode to track the progress of onboarding UI. #109


  • Markdown support for Onboarding UI's subtitle and body texts on macOS 11 Big Sur

Notes to the release

  • We have updated our deployment target to macOS 11 Big Sur. This decision was made due to technological constraints with SwiftUI present in macOS 10.15 and earlier versions.

Version 2.9.1 Build 96

03 Oct 10:35
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  • The default Pop-up UI icon resolution have been optimised - Close #116

Resolved in this build

  • Fixed: secureinput accessory view appear higher than normal when used in some scenarios - Close #112
  • Fixed: main button still shows "Cancel" label when progress bar end - Close #128
  • Fixed: issue with the representation of UTF8 special characters in html/htmlwhitebox Accessory Views


Resolved in this build

  • Fixed: Notification Center Alerts/Banners not pull attention away from keyboard when appears - Close #98


Resolved in this build

  • Fixed: duplication of the onboarding page content when window is minimised - Close #121
  • Fixed: missing update of common Onboarding UI progress bar - Close #114



  • New SystemAlert UI available - Doc

Version 2.8.0 Build 87

02 Aug 14:56
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  • New warning button have been added to the Pop-up UI - Doc
  • -popup_reminder now respect the -position flag #80
  • checklist accessory view now accept pre-selected values #85 - Doc

Resolved in this build

  • -icon_width doesn't properly set Pop-up Icon width
  • timer accessory view issue with long text #106



  • New workflow to clean presented alerts/banners from Notification Center using --resetBanners and --resetAlerts special arguments #74 - Doc

Version 2.7.1 Build 81

30 May 17:15
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Resolved in this build

  • Issue with the -icon_width argument not working properly #83

Version 2.7.0 Build 80

09 May 06:58
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  • -icon_path argument now accept also base64 encoded images #70
  • Now it's possible to print out Accessory View values also on the secondary button click using -retain_values argument
  • Title font size and Icon width/height are now customisable with -title_size, -icon_width and -icon_height arguments #61 #62

Resolved in this build

  • video Accessory View remote URL parsing


Resolved in this build

  • topIcon payload parameter now works with remote URL and base64 encoded images #76


  • It is now possible to hide title bar buttons using -hide_title_bar_buttons #69
  • New Onboarding UI with Accessory View support Doc
  • -always_on_top argument support extended to Onboarding UI #67



  • video Accessory View now shows a centered play button
  • input Accessory View now adapt its height based on how long is the input
  • input Accessory View support autofill using /value payload key #65