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Fabian Markert edited this page Oct 1, 2018 · 27 revisions

xx.xx.2018 - Lara x.x.x (pending)

New features:

  • Added iCal calendar feeds: you can choose between a personal feed with event where you have a shift / public events from a section / public+internal events for a section / all public events from all sections together. Also added options to (un)publish events to the public feeds and indicators to show published status in all views.

01.10.2018 - Lara 3.2.2

  • give users the ability to choose if their nickname is public visible or just for logged in members
  • shifts can be optional
  • personal pages to show upcoming shifts and provide user settings
  • layout fixes
  • minor fixes

15.05.2018 - Lara 3.1.1

  • Lara now has its own authentication system for sections that do not use the BC-Ldap
  • Lara now saves its own password hash after successfully logging in via the BC-Ldap
  • If the BC-ldap is not available, the last known password hash is used
  • Registered users can use their real name for the search when entering another person
  • Registered users can see their name when crossing the club name of an already registered service, this is to avoid ambiguity
  • An authorization system has been introduced in Lara → enables ILSC - wide operation
  • CL-er can authorize members of other sections for their own (eg Club-CL receives marketing rights for Café)
  • Improvements to the weekly and monthly view for better clarity
  • We now have a privacy policy →
  • Conflict detection when 2 people try to register for the same service at the same time

03.04.2018 - Lara 2.8.4

  • Template management support
  • filtering templates on event creation page
  • syncronizing bd - Club events
  • search functions for shifttypes
  • additional management functions for shifttypes

12.02.2018 - Lara 2.7.1

New Features and bugfixes:

  • ILSC-Lara: multiple changes in the back in preparation to adding other ILSC sections to Lara. The most important:
    • Event colors: every section now has a designated color (e.g. bc-Club is red, bc-Café is blue, etc.) that can be chosen from Google Material Palette. Main goal: separate sections by color, separate event types by icon + shade (more important events are darker).
    • Fluding & Marketing: are always the color of the section they belong to (like other "normal" events).
    • Info events: are always purple, no matter what section created them (because information is meant for all)
    • Section defaults: each section can define default times for new events (e.g. default event start time for bc-Club is 21:00, but for bc-Café 12:00).
    • Event prices: added pre-sales and doors prices to all events - these are shown when filled out while creating/editing an event.
    • Event marketing: added a checkbox for facebook event ready-status and a place to add a link (these will be shown everywhere for a while, will be hidden if empty later - we are working on that bug). Also, more marketing stuff is in development.
  • Year statistics: now available for all logged-in members, not only CL.
  • Single day view: added to the top navbar, and now has "back" and "forward" buttons for easier navigation.
  • Shift order bug: shifts now have the same order in week and event view regardless of changes made.
  • Statistics: fixed the bug where links to event from member's overview lead to wrong URL when the month was changed.
  • Mobile version: Back-to-top button slightly re-positioned to avoid problems on some devices.
  • Week view: minor presentation bugs fixed (lines between shifts out-of-bounds).
  • Print version: the footer will not be printed anymore. (Still working on the overlapping days in Firefox - use Chrome for printing for now.)
  • Surveys: fixed handling of "nothing chosen" in dropdown fields for non-German languages.
  • Date validation: added an error message if an event is being created on a wrong date (e.g. February 31st) via a URL.
  • System: framework updated to Laravel 5.5.
  • Multiple smaller bugfixes and tweaks in the backend.

29.08.2017 - Lara 2.6.0

New features and bugfixes:

  • Previous undocumented hotfix: icons for member statuses were updated.
  • You can now use emojis, e.g. in comments 😉
  • Event create/edit: shifts can now be reordered with drag&drop, the persons registered for a shift will remain unchanged.
  • Upgraded logging: event change history now saves all event changes, starting at adding/removing/registering for shifts and till event description or time changes.
  • Back to top button: added on mobile views to make scrolling back up easier. (Hey Ilja!)
  • Statistics: now feature not only active members, but also veterans/ex-members/ex-candidates/etc. who did at least one shift in the last three month.
  • Statistics: now fully support partial shift weights, e.g. "1.2", "0.5", etc.
  • Statistics: list of person's shifts now closes on <ESC> press.
  • Statistics: added a statistics view for the whole year (beta / CL only).
  • Admins only: as preparation for adding other ILSC sections, added UI for section management (CRUD) and generalized relevant fields to support non-bc sections.
  • Pirate language: fixed an issue with pirate language being sometimes set as default.
  • Development: renamed models:
    • ScheduleEntry -> Shift,
    • JobType -> ShiftType,
    • Place -> Section.
  • Development: Lara logo now represents the current environment, green = dev, yellow = beta, red = production.
  • Development: multiple other changes in the backend, incl. updated Webpack.
  • Development: system logs are now stored 30 days instead of five previously.
  • Multiple minor bugfixes like wrong date/time formats, shift name changes made case-sensitive, etc.
  • Updated all libraries to the latest versions.

28.05.2017 - Lara 2.5.1

New features and bugfixes:

  • Allowed adding multiple admins.
  • Events: now show full date incl. the year (per request).
  • Shift types: killed the bug that created a new shift type every time instead of using existing ones. A cleanup of the DB will be performed next.

27.05.2017 - Lara 2.5.0

New features and bugfixes:

  • Scripts: are now updated automatically - the problem with manually refreshing the page to get it working again should be gone.
  • Week view: added button to show or hide all comment fields at once.
  • Month view: scroll-to-today now works correctly if only one section is chosen.
  • Statistics: now counts events visible to a club instead of events owned by a club. This basically means that if an event is a cooperation of two or more clubs, members from all clubs will get points now, not just members of the club that created the event in Lara.
  • System: framework updated to Laravel 5.4, libraries updated to the latest version.
  • Multiple smaller bugfixes and tweaks in the backend.

25.05.2017 - Lara 2.4.0

New features:

  • Daily at 04:00 Lara will automatically update names and club statuses for all members with the latest state from the LDAP-Server (ClubDB).

03.02.2017 - Lara 2.3.0

New features:

  • Month view: on mobile, page will be scrolled to current date automatically.
  • The navigation bar in the header (with links to different pages and login forms) now sticks to the top of the window everywhere.
  • Event creation: an autofill field was added in place of the dropdown with shift types for adding/editing a new shift. Just start typing to get shift name/time suggestions.
  • Statistics: is now open for all logged in members.
  • Management: for CL and marketing there now exists an option to edit or remove existing shift types: change default name, start/end times and statistical weights, or substitute one shift for another. Accessible via the settings dropdown (gear-shaped icon) in the navigation bar.

22.01.2017 - Lara 2.2.3


  • On comment deletion the placeholder is set to chosen language
  • More translations in frontend
  • Google Cal: mobile version on Android 6 allows saving events to Google calendar

06.01.2017 - Lara 2.2.2


  • When a comment is edited, a "save" icon is now shown, similar to shift edits
  • Shift highlighting doesn't disappear when editing a comment to own shifts
  • Fixed a bug in the week view filter where it sometimes got stuck on "Wednesday-Tuesday"
  • Month view: cells from other months now also have a background color (same as current month, for now)

24.12.2016 - Lara 2.2.1


  • Section filter defaults to "show all"
  • Fixed errors on old events without revision history
  • Minor refactoring

23.12.2016 - Lara 2.2

New features and bugfixes:

  • Month view: whole weeks at beginning/end: previously events were shown starting at the 1st of each month, which meant months beginning on a sunday had no events from monday to saturday shown. Now the whole week is loaded.
  • Month view: past events mask fixed: events on previous day are now also correctly shown as past events.
  • Filter state is saved again: fixed a bug preventing the section filter from being saved between page reloads.
  • Events: add to own calendar: click on event icon near event title in month/week/event view now leads to a create new event page in your own google calendar. Support for other calendars (probably in .ical format) is in development.
  • Week view: new filter - "show only =FREI=": shows only empty shifts for the week for a better overview of what's missing.
  • Dropdowns close automatically: dropdowns ("I'll do it!" & similar) now close when you click somewhere else on the page - can now choose club in surveys.
  • Own shifts highlighting: highlighting is now applied directly after changes are made, no page reload needed.
  • Event info allows URLs: links are now parsed and represented in a clickable format.
  • Event creation: date/time validation: Lara will warn you about mistakes in dates and times and prevent creating of broken events e.g. with end time before start time.
  • Event creation: section choice: can now choose "bc-Club" from the dropdown again.
  • Survey create/edit: fixed bug not allowing time changes.
  • Framework upgrade: switched from Laravel 5.2. to 5.3 version.
  • Database cleanup: removed incorrect clubs and substituted for right ones, e.g. "-(bc club)" is now "bc-Club". Will be important for correct statistics counting later.
  • Statistics (Beta / CL only): this time we roll out statistics for testing by CL only. After a round of reviews and following fixes it will be released to all in the next update.
  • Minor redesign: reordered buttons in navigation bar and some mobile view fixes, fixed footer, section and feature filters in month/week/event views.
  • Multiple smaller bugfixes.

14.09.2016 - Lara 2.1

The 2.1 version of Lara was mostly done by the Softwareprojekt SS2016 students at TU Ilmenau, with addition help from Stefan, Francesco and Hassan from bc-Café - thank you!

New features:

  • Surveys: remember those schedules we still use the old for? Like t-shirt purchases, Clubfahrt and so on? Those "table views" with multiple columns/questions are ready and took the form of a table (or a doodle survey) - define a bunch of questions users can answer.
  • New responsive mobile month view: the month view was redone, mobile view switched to a list of events instead of a (broken) table.
  • Localisation: added English translations for most fields. It's possible to add further translations too - Spanish? Russian? Anyone wanna help translating? ;)
  • Shift highlighting: logged-in members get their shifts highlighted in month, week and event views.
  • Links in event descriptions: are now represented as clickable links.

31.08.2016 - Lara 2.0

The 2.0 version of Lara has a lot of changes in the application architecture, introduces a couple of new features and bugfixes. With the upgrade the database schema will be partially changed and all existing events converted to the new standard. This change can not be rolled back afterwards.

A short overview of major changes impacting the users:

  • Week view open for all: guests can now use the week view too.
  • Internal event placeholders for guests: internal events are now shown as blocked areas for guests - no details are shared, but a person can see, if the event is there and when. Members see further details after logging in. Removes the problem "I thought there's nothing on that day, but I wasn't logged in so nothing was shown to me."
  • The SAVE button is gone: Schedule entries are now updated individually and without reloading the page. To save changes just hit Enter when you are finished or use the small green save icon that pops up when you start typing.
  • Server response: If there was an error saving changes, a warning icon will appear near the entry - try again or refresh the page.
  • Autocomplete: when you start typing a name Lara will suggest known users to match what you type (e.g. you type "ma" and Lara shows you "Maxim(V)(bc-Club)", "Marta(A)(bc-café)" and other, including "Emmanuel(A)(bc-Club)") - just click on the name to register this person for the shift. Same for clubs. We match on nicknames, not first or second name ;)
  • Comments, comments everywhere: comments can now be added to any schedule entry, no matter if it's empty or occupied. Save with Enter or save icon as well.
  • More event varieties: old "Tasks" ("Aufgaben") are converted to events of a type "task", which means they also get additional fields like "more info" and alike. New types: Information ("Memo"), Cleaning ("Fluten"), Marketing (Flyer & Co.), Presails ("Vorverkauf") are now a separate type of an event.
  • Everyone can create events/memos: all logged in members can create events/memos for others to see (restricted to certain types), but only as internal events. Everyone can edit/delete events they created, but not other. Marketing and section management can create events of all types and make events created by other members visible for guests, change event type, or edit/delete it. Announce your birthday party, add a memo about a football match next day, or create events of the next week to help out the marketing team - all is possible now.
  • Management can see more logs: section management can now access Lara logs and see, who logged in when, did what changes and when, etc. A list of changes for every event (who added/removed someone from the schedule) is still visible to all logged in users.
  • Events can be shown to both sections: added correct event filtering - now events can be shown to one or both sections (checkboxes by event creation/editing). Useful for cleaning, marketing, info, birthdays and so on.
  • Templates now save all data: Templates now save not only a list of schedule entries, but also the title, times, filtering, further details and so on.
  • Different defaults in event creation depending on who you are: if you create an event, event times, section choice and so on have different default value for club and cafe (e.g. beginning at 12:00 or at 22:00). Now defaults are set according to the section you are a member in. (Hello Annika, sorry it took so long! ;) )
  • Some visual enhancements: events are now color-coded according to their type. Many other small changes and improvements on the design side.
  • Bugfixes, oh so many bugfixes:
  • one can't overwrite whole weeks with =FREI= if page wasn't fully loaded (this was a big issue)
  • editing an event no longer removes it from templates list
  • guests can't overwrite member entries/comments under certain circumstances
  • built some defences against bot attacks, they shouldn't be able to harass us any longer
  • can now comment on already occupied entries without removing the person first
  • Many other minor changes