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v2022.2 01/08/2022

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@sMorrone sMorrone released this 11 Aug 09:16
· 30 commits to main since this release

This release contains non breaking changes for the UML data models listed below.
These changes correspond to endorsed change proposals to XML schemas and/or Technical Guidelines.

Each row in the below list contains: the link to the related issue in the uml-models/application-schemas/technical-guidelines repository, a brief description of the modification (prefixed by relevant data theme indication where relevant) and the typology of change.

  • #2 - made available EA project used to derive v4 of GML schemas - non breaking change
  • #11 - [SO] changed soilDerivedObjectObservation multiplicity from 1 to [1..*] - non breaking change
  • #14 - [GE] introduced multiplicity for geophObjectSet and geophObjectMember associations - non breaking change
  • #25 - [EL] changed endLifespanVersion multiplicity from 1 to [0..1]- non breaking change

Updated versions of the UMLs, aligned with the changes to relevant XML schemas, may be temporarily out of alignment with the relevant TGs, as the TG conversion and update process is still in progress.