- Subject: https://github.com/Software-Testing/Projects-2018-2019
- Project: https://github.com/ISTIC-M2-ILa-GM/WeAssert/projects/1
- Issues and Features TODO: https://github.com/ISTIC-M2-ILa-GM/WeAssert/issues
- Continuous integration - Travis CI: https://travis-ci.org/ISTIC-M2-ILa-GM/WeAssert
- Quality - Sonarcloud: https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=fr.istic.gm.weassert
mvn compile
This project needs to be installed to can be used:
mvn install
For a quicker install you can skip tests:
mvn install -DskipTests
java -jar we-assert.jar
- Start the application,
- On the GUI:
- Select maven executable,
- Select the project,
- Click on generate button,
- Click on run tests,
- Select test and see modified code.
- we-assert-fake-test