Submitted by: Nabarup Maity([email protected])
Challenge link:
Kindly refer the notebooks for detailed solution I have tried to make it easy readable.
Data standards:
- For the given code it uses the train data for training model and validation data for model validation and test data for submission.(
- As an external data I have used the pre-trained word vectors of glove twitter embedding with dimension of 100 that is of size <1 GB. Data is available at the following link (
- Packages: I have used the most recent version of python packages
- Spacy en_core_web_sm model(python -m spacy download en/ python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm)
- Jsonlines(!pip install jsonlines)
- plot_keras_history(!pip install plot_keras_history)
- tensorflow_addons(!pip install tensorflow_addons)
Happy learning !!