is a Rust library for parsing, manipulating, and serializing Valve Map Format (VMF) files used in Source Engine games.
- Parses VMF files into convenient Rust data structures.
- Allows modification of VMF data.
- Serializes the modified data back into a VMF file.
Add vmf-forge
to your Cargo.toml
vmf-forge = "0.3.0"
use vmf_forge::prelude::*;
use std::fs::File;
fn main() -> Result<(), VmfError> {
let mut file = File::open("your_map.vmf")?;
let vmf_file = VmfFile::parse_file(&mut file)?;
// Access and modify the VMF data
println!("Map Version: {}", vmf_file.versioninfo.map_version);
// Find info_player_start entity
if let Some(player_start) = vmf_file.entities.find_by_classname("info_player_start").next() {
println!("Found player start: {:?}", player_start);
// Add a new entity
let mut new_entity = Entity::default();
new_entity.key_values.insert("classname".to_string(), "prop_static".to_string());
new_entity.key_values.insert("model".to_string(), "models/props_foliage/urban_tree001a.mdl".to_string());
new_entity.key_values.insert("origin".to_string(), "0 0 0".to_string());
// Save the modified VMF file
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to open issues or submit pull requests.
is distributed under the terms of either the MIT license.