Project Mentor/Advisor: Tso-Jung Yen 顏佐榕, PhD3
Fig (a): correlation coefficients of each image, indicating marginal influence of each image.
Fig (b): ElasticNet coefficients of each image, indicating conditional influence of each image. Faded bars indicate statistical insignificance.
Fig (c): Ridge coefficients of each image, indicating conditional influence of each image. Faded bars indicate statistical insignificance.
- Traditional LIME is only applicable on single input (ex. single image). We extend LIME to graph neural networks (GNN) by applying principles of LIME on nodes and edges of a graph neural network.
- Instead of randomly perturbing "superpixels" (segmentations) and creating variations of the original image, we use graph sampling to create variations of the graph and create local models from the subgraphs.
- This allows us to derive image-level importance and influence for each subject.
- LIME uses traditional local regression/classification, so it can only display conditional relationships. For example, typical regression interpretation of coefficients is: "given other variables do not change, so and so variable has such impact." We display marginal relationships by calculating correlation.
- Our approach makes use of summary statisics such as confidence interval and standard errors, which allows for uncertainty quantification.
- We employ a novel two-stage adaptive class-balanced sampling method to encourage class balanced samples.
(which imports frommarginal_relation.py
(which both import fromclassifiers.py
- Generate samples to create explanations on. The sampling algorithm tries to create class-balanced samples. Then, the correlation is calculated for each image with the model's predictions.
- Ridge/Elastic-Net logistic regression to identify important coefficients.
- Organize output into a folder structure as such:
- organized_output_folder\
- correlations
- positive
- negative
- neutral
- csv
- 0-elastic_net_coefficients.csv
- 1-ridge_coefficients.csv
- 2-correlations.csv
- ridge
- positive
- negative
- neutral
- elastic
- positive
- negative
- neutral
- plots
- 0-vbar.png
- 1-hbar.png
- correlations
Here, each positive
folder contains original images that contribute to model predicting the positive class, while the negative
folder contains original images that contribute to model predicting the negative class. neutral
folder contains non-significant images. plots
contain all bar plots, while csv
contains the coefficients for each image.