- Home
The home screen serves as the central hub of the application, displaying a list of 3 button, Movie, Artist, and TvShow button. if Button click, it will redirect with the new path. - Movie
The Movie Screen will show a list of popular movie from TMDB. If you want refresh for the new list, just click update button. - TvShow
The TvShow Screen will show a list of popular TvShow from TMDB. If you want refresh for the new list, just click update button. - Artist
The Artist Screen will show a list of popular Artist from TMDB. If you want refresh for the new list, just click update button.
- Internet
The application requires internet access to communicate with the API from TMDB.
- Kotlin - Version 2.0.0
- RecyclerView
- Retrofit2 - Version 2.11.0
- GSON Converter - Version 2.11.0
- OkHttp3 - Version 4.12.0
- Lifecycle - Version 2.8.1
- LiveData - Version 2.8.1
- ViewModel - Version 2.8.1
- Glide - Version 4.16.0
- Room Database - Version 2.6.1
- Coroutines - Version 1.9.0-RC
- Core KTX - Version 1.13.1
- JUnit - Version 4.13.2
- AppCompat - Version 1.7.0
- Activity KTX - Version 1.9.0
- ConstraintLayout - Version 2.1.4
- Dagger - Version 2.51.1
- DataBinding - Version 8.4.1
- Android Studio
- Target device (Android device or emulator) with minimum android version of 8.0 (Oreo) or higher
Download or Clone this project to your computer
Repository Link: IbniShaquille/TMDBClient
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/IbniShaquille/TMDBClient
Download the repository:
- On the GitHub repository page, click on the “Code” button and select “Download ZIP”.
- Extract the downloaded ZIP file to your computer.
Open the project in Android Studio
Run the application
- Ensure you have either connected your Android device to your computer or set up an emulator as a target to run the application.
- Click on the “Run” button (green triangle) in Android Studio’s toolbar to run the application.
- The application will be installed on the selected device or emulator.
Download the app from the following link:
Download the apk-release.apk
file from the release page.
This project was inspired and greatly enhanced by the teachings and insights from Anushka Madusanka. Their expertise and guidance were invaluable in shaping the development process. I am deeply grateful for their contributions and support.