This is a simple example of how to authenticate a user with OTP, featuring Google Authenticator or other applications with TOTP support.
For local startup purposes, a docker-compose.yml
file is generated.
Simply do a
$ docker-compose up
and that should start the uvicorn
server locally at port 8000.
You can test that it works using the test credentials
An example account should be created with the following credentials:
Username: icebreaker
Password: swordsfish
Firstly, go to https://localhost:5000/auth/otp/setup
, and scan the QR code via Google Authenticator.
Then, issue a login request as follows:
$ http post localhost:8000/auth/login username=icebreaker password=swordsfish
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-length: 49
content-type: application/json
date: Wed, 23 Sep 2020 19:36:44 GMT
server: uvicorn
"identifier": "c7ab2915829b798480ab40a13eae268a"
You will get a login session identifier for the next request.
$ http post localhost:8000/auth/otp identifier=c7ab2915829b798480ab40a13eae268a code=738664
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-length: 15
content-type: application/json
date: Wed, 23 Sep 2020 19:40:24 GMT
server: uvicorn
set-cookie: session=eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiAiYjA0ZGRjOTJlOWJhMDZmYzZjZDUxMzg2MmNlMWY4MjEifQ==.X2ukqA.GWIVzY2nL46xfvKASbcLNpaHRxQ; path=/; Max-Age=1209600; httponly; samesite=lax
"status": "OK"
As you can see, a secure cookie has been set meaning that the user is now authenticated for further requests.
The project utilizes Pipenv as the package management tool. Ensure you have the dev dependencies installed by running
$ pipenv install --dev
Run tests using the pytest
$ pipenv run pytest
Basic code style is enforced via Black
Consider running $ black .
before pushing contributions.
This project features Alembic as the DB migration toolkit. Whenever your contributions imply changing the DB structure, ensure the migrations are properly generated. Execute the following from project root:
$ PYTHONPATH=`pwd` alembic revision --autogenerate -m "<Message with changes>"