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[TASK] Release 10.0.3 #1

[TASK] Release 10.0.3

[TASK] Release 10.0.3 #1

Workflow file for this run

name: CI
on: [ push, pull_request ]
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.env.experimental == true }}
fail-fast: false
- { php: 7.4, TYPO3_VERSION: ^10.4, TESTING_FRAMEWORK: ^6.5.0 }
- { php: 7.3, TYPO3_VERSION: ^10.4, TESTING_FRAMEWORK: ^6.5.0 }
- { php: 7.4, TYPO3_VERSION: ^11.0, TESTING_FRAMEWORK: ^6.6 }
- { php: 8.0, TYPO3_VERSION: ^11.0, TESTING_FRAMEWORK: ^6.6 }
env: ${{ matrix.env }}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Setup PHP
uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
php-version: ${{ matrix.env.php }}
tools: composer
extensions: pdo, sqlite3
# composer
- name: Update Composer
run: |
sudo composer self-update
composer --version
- name: Validate composer.json and composer.lock
run: composer validate
- name: Cache dependencies
uses: actions/cache@v1
path: ~/.composer/cache
key: dependencies-composer-${{ hashFiles('composer.json') }}
- name: Ensure stability dev
if: ${{ matrix.env.TYPO3_VERSION == 'dev-main' }}
run: |
composer config minimum-stability dev
composer config prefer-stable true
- name: Install TYPO3 core
run: composer require typo3/cms-core="${TYPO3_VERSION}" ${PREFER_LOWEST};
- name: Install testing framework ${{ matrix.env.TESTING_FRAMEWORK }}
if: ${{ matrix.env.TESTING_FRAMEWORK }}
run: composer require --dev typo3/testing-framework="${TESTING_FRAMEWORK}";
- name: Install prophecy trait
if: ${{ matrix.env.TESTING_FRAMEWORK }}
run: composer require --dev phpspec/prophecy-phpunit="^2.0";
# unit tests
- name: Unit Tests
run: |
echo "Running ${TYPO3_VERSION} unit tests with $(which php)";
.Build/bin/phpunit -c .Build/vendor/typo3/testing-framework/Resources/Core/Build/UnitTests.xml Tests/Unit/;
# start db
- name: Start MySQL
run: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start
# functional tests
- name: Functional Tests
run: |
export typo3DatabaseName="typo3";
export typo3DatabaseHost="";
export typo3DatabaseUsername="root";
export typo3DatabasePassword="root";
.Build/bin/phpunit --colors -c Build/FunctionalTests.xml Tests/Functional
- name: Reset composer.json
run: git checkout composer.json;