RRM (Request-Response-Manager) is a tiny tool to facilitate request & response on bi-directional transports, such as websockets, webworkers or webrtc.
Uses promises for async flow.
- completly transport-agnostic
- supports messages without need for response ("events")
- wildcards as fallback or default handler
- timeouts
- Promises
- Browserify for usage in browser
- Maps
var hostWorker = new Worker("worker.js");
//setup RRM by telling him where to send messages
var requestManager = new RequestManager(function(data){
//send all incoming from worker directly to RRM
hostWorker.onmessage = function(e) {
//add handlers for incoming messages and events
//if the type identifies it as an event, we must return a promise
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
The worker side is set up in the same way.
//send a request of type "someAction" with a timeout of 1sec
//emit an event - means we don't expect a response
- If no handler is set for the action on the other side, the response is an error
- If the timeout is not met, the response is an error
//can set a default or fallback handler (used if no other handler matches)