The Bash (Linux) Script for
This script lets you to quickly shrink with any link and put the shrinked link into the clipboard. is a URL Shortener created by using YOURLS (that you can find on GitHub).
z0r-script is written in Bash.
##HowTo z0r [long_link] -> create short link that will be copyed in clipboard
z0r [long_link] [custom_name] -> create short link with custom name (if it is still used u will get empty output)
z0r -h -> shows help
z0r -e [short_link] -> expand function (short -> long)
z0r -c [short_link] -> show number of clicks
z0r -l -> show history
z0r -m <long_URL1> <long_URL2> ... -> mass shorting
z0r -r -> reset history
z0r -u -> show updates
Dependencies: wget, curl, xclip, awk