Injiverify is a web interface to verify the validity of the QR / credential using a browser from smartphone / tablet / computer. A user should be able to do primariliy 4 key actions - Scan, Validate, Fetch, Display.
Prerequisites: Node 18 - Can be installed using nvm. Run following commands to install node
$ curl -o- | bash
$ nvm install 18
helm: folder contains helm charts required to deploy on K8S
inji-verify: contains the source code and Dockerfile
- Run following commands to start the application:
$ cd ./inji-verify
$ npm install
$ npm start
- Build and run Docker for a service:
$ docker build -t <dockerImageName>:<tag> .
$ docker run -it -d -p 3000:3000 <dockerImageName>:<tag>
- Open URL http://localhost:3000